sweet and sour

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I had to get some air. Therefore I decided to go out.  I took out the car for a drive. I drove, thinking about what had happened and what I was going to do.
I panicked when a man fell before my car. I had almost hit him.
Did I commit an accident!
I got out of the car and to my surprise, it was Vikram.

He had fell down and he was in a horrible state. There was blood on his face.

"Vikram", I called out. He looked at me and his eyes were filled with pain. Then I noticed he seemed drunk.
Didn't he tell me he doesn't drink. What was wrong?

I looked around. The street was empty. I couldn't just leave him here. Should I call someone? But I didn't know whom to call. I couldn't make myself call Gautham.

So I decided to drop him to him home, myself. 

"Get up", I said and held his arm. He somehow held mine and tried to get up.
With a lot of difficulty I got him to the car. His weight made it really difficult.
I felt sad for him. He looked like hell. Was there some problem in his family?

I drove up to his house. It was just as I remembered it. A shiver passed through me when I recollected the last time I was there. I prayed that Karan wouldn't be there.

The security guard stopped me.
"Can you help? Your sir is quite , unstable now, can you help him inside", I asked beckoning at Vikram.

He nodded and helped Vikram out. I held one of his arm. I should have let the security guard take him in, but I went in too. I had to make sure he was ok.

I looked around for his mother or that creep. But no one came.

" They are out", the guard said noticing that.

We entered his bedroom and I took a deep breath realizing that it's the first time I was seeing it. It was huge with a master bed in the middle. It had a carpet surrounding the bed.

There was a dressing table with a beautiful mirror where I saw our reflection. There was a black couch and a small table. The room was attached to a huge balcony. There were curtains on the balcony door.

We placed him on the bed and the guard nodded and went away.

Seeing him like this, made me really sad. I went near him. I realized that he was still wearing his shoes, and went to remove them.

I recollected that moment near the forest place, where my feet was hurt and he gave me his shoe. He had put it on my feet.

Then Vikram started coughing which startled me.

"Oh water, where do I find it", I searched around but I couldn't find any jug.

So I went out of the room to get some water for him. I remembered where the kitchen was. I had helped make some coffee there.

I took a jug of water and returned.. But Vikram wasn't there on the bed.

Where did he go?
" Vikram? " I called out. " Vikram sir? ", did he go to the restroom?

Then I noticed the balcony curtains and the door opened.

" Vikram", I called out while entering the balcony.

It was huge, but the rails weren't that long. Vikram was standing at the end looking out. His feet seemed unsteady.

He could fall down! "Vikram sir come here", I said.

He looked back at me, closed his eyes and opened again.

" Sree.. Is that you", he asked.

"Yes,.. You could fall down Vikram, your steps.. Come in.. ", I said and held my hands out.

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