3 years later...

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My heels clinked and reverberated through the corridor as I made my way towards the door..

I took a deep breath, opened the door and entered the room, fully conscious about the numerous eyes looking at me..

I cleared my throat and looked at the friendly faces at the side..

Gautham smiled at me ,.. His eyes twinkled.. I could see the change in him over the years.. His beard has grown.. He looked more mature..

I looked at the side to my 2 best friends Raya and Akshara..
They smiled too... They looked different than before too.. Not just their attire, they seemed more womanly, not like the kids they seemed like..

I shook my head off these thoughts and concentrated on the people.. Waiting for me to speak..

"So you all know why we are here", I began..

" It is because of all of you this is possible.. you all deserve this!
Please don't miss the conference and pray that we win" I said.. Looking at the people..

I could see that proud feeling in their eyes..

"Now.. I'll explain some rules... And about a few plans that me and Gautham here have decided on, we need your input, I'll start.. "

"Gautham, be free to pitch in", I said

I spoke... For around 20 minutes...
Questions and opinions were put forth..
And discussed.

It went well I guess..

The people.. They nodded and thanked me before leaving the room..

Raya came to me..

" Sree... I checked our expenses for the last quarter and I need to talk to you about ... "She started

" Can you wait for a minute, Raya.. I'll be back", I said

I moved to the restroom... And splashed water on my face... I looked at my face in the mirror.. My dark circles had returned.. My free hair.. Covered my shoulders..

I looked different too.. Was different too..
The old Sreedevi, wouldn't have ever imagined.. Doing this.. Handling a start up.. It wasn't her cup of tea.. But life has a unique way of making things happen

After the incident with Vikram, I was heartbroken... Depressed... I would cry myself to sleep everyday... I wouldn't eat properly

My mom had to take me to the doctor.
I hated the therapist. I wasn't sick!
I attended a few sessions for her..
The therapist told me, that I should try to not follow or see him.. That I should try to distract myself.. Get another job...

Did she mean I forget him.. Because I couldn't do that... He was in my heart..
My mom was scared seeing me... Like that, so she asked me to not follow him or try to see him anymore, even Gautham agreed..
"You need a break Devi", he had said.

So I lied to them.. That I won't ever go see him... But I did.. Call me a stalker.. But.. I had that hope that one day he would see me and come running to me, hug me and say that he loves me..

Not that I got to see.. Him.. I followed him on Facebook, insta, though he rarely updated it.
I asked Diya , but she didn't know about him, she was in college..
I asked Diya that I wanted to meet him, but Diya was scared.. Of Manoj and Gautham had warned her too..

Gautham felt that the more I do this, the more depressed I get..
Maybe yes, maybe it brings back the pain..
But the moment I sometimes, catch a glance of him... For a second I feel that warmth.. In me.. I feel my love.. I feel!

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