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Vanessa looked down at the beautiful ruby on her ring finger and tried to resist the urge to put it in her mother and sister's face.

She was getting married. She was getting married to Reid!

She knew that they talked about getting married but she didn't expect an engagement so soon. She wasn't complaining though, being with Reid was the best thing in the world and now she could be with him every day.

"Are you listening to me? Of course you're not! You're smiling like a woman in love," Eva laughed and she took her hand. "Wow, it gets prettier every time I look at it," She mused.

She took a little time out of her day to visit her family and catch up. And of course, to show her ring.

Vanessa smiled and wiggled her hand. "I am in love, Eva. Reid's going to be my husband and I'm over the moon!" She was happier than ever and so was Lailah.

Once she woke up from her nap he gave her a beautiful Disney necklace, and Lailah loved it. It touched Vanessa's heart to know that Reid cherished Lailah. It was beautiful.

"You're glowing, Nessa." Jenna commented lightly with a smile on her face. She turned around and nodded at Lucas Jr. "Come see your sister before you go to class,"

Lucas Jr. closed his laptop and walked over to the couch and sat next to Vanessa. "Eva was right, this thing is nice. You deserve it, sis. Happiness looks good on you," He kissed her cheek and grabbed his backpack.

"Bye! If I don't leave now, I'll be late!" He said from the door and walked out.

Vanessa wanted him to stay so she could hug him and kiss his sweet head. Her little brother was a sweetie pie.

"So, Lailah, are you happy that your mommy is marrying Reid?" Eva sat on the floor next to Lailah and played with her toys.

Lailah's eyes sparkled and she nodded like a bobblehead. "I love my mommy and my new daddy! He so sweet! And he face is squishy like a toy! And he gave me this!" She babbled and showed Eva her new necklace.

Eva gasped and pulled Lailah into her lap. "Wow! That's so cool! It looks like the rose from Beauty and the Beast!"

Lailah looked at Eva in shock and she covered Eva's mouth. "What!" She screamed. "Mommy! I have a rose! Like the beast!"

Vanessa gasped and fell off on the couch, making Lailah giggle. "I can't believe it, honey!"

Lailah shook her head and walked over to Vanessa and shook her. "Get up, mommy! If you sick, we call daddy!" She said seriously and placed her hand onto Vanessa's forehead. "Oh no! I be your Doctor until daddy comes," She ran to her playroom and came back with a kit.

Jenna looked at Eva and eyed Lailah.

"I think I'm sick, Dr. Lailah! Could you take me to your hospital?" Eva asked dramatically.

Lailah sighed and picked up her kit. "Sorry, mommy. Eva is sick!" She kissed Vanessa's head and gave her a sticker from the kit. "You're all better!"

"Thank you, Doctor." Vanessa said gratefully and Lailah ran to the back with Eva following.

Jenna picked up her laptop from the coffee table and opened it. "So, are you moving in with Reid, or is he moving in with you?"

They hadn't actually talked about it, but it was just a known fact that Vanessa and Lailah were moving in with him. "We're moving in with him. He already has a room set up for Lailah, he's the sweetest. It's a princess-themed room and she loves it," He was so considerate.

"That's sweet," Jenna hummed and typed on her laptop. "I'm looking at venues in Anaheim, what kind are you two looking for?" She asked and Vanessa shook her head.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now