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"You're joyful, even more than usual. Do tell, Ms. Grace." Daytona, one of Vanessa's employees noted with a smirk.

Vanessa looked up from her computer and bit her lip. "What do you mean? I-i'm just working, as usual." She was a little confused, work was always fun to her, so Daytona was just being strange.

Daytona shook her head and sat on Vanessa's desk. "You're working with this lovey-dovey look in your eyes. Work can't put that look in your eyes, it just has to be a man! A job can't love you the way that a man can," She winked and hopped off of Vanessa's desk.

Vanessa choked on her spit and took a sip of her water. "Wow, Daytona. Um, I, you," She stammered trying to figure what to say. Her assumption was completely just weird and pushy.

Daytona laughed. "I'm right. It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Is he handsome? Oh, what the what, he has to be handsome! What's he like?" She asked while filing some papers.

Vanessa didn't want to talk about Reid. She loved him, but when it came to including someone other than Eva in her business, she didn't like it.

Just as she was about to respond, her phone buzzed.

'I pray this message meets you well, I'd much rather call, but I'm working.

I'd like to take you somewhere special tonight, my love.

I will pick you up at 6.


Vanessa looked at the clock and saw that she only had four hours to be ready. "I have to go. Have a good day and I'll see you next week," She gathered her things and rushed to her car.

'It met me very well! I can't wait to see you!'

She sent the message and drove home. Thankfully, her parents were keeping Lailah for the night. They wanted to prioritize their time with her to have a good relationship, which was really sweet.

She didn't have to leave work so early, but sometimes she just laid around the house and watched a little Worst Cooks in America. She liked seeing people butcher food, it was nice.

It didn't take her long to get home, and when she made it, it was crunch time. If she wanted to enjoy a little TV time, she had to be dressed and ready to go in three hours.

She walked into the closet and looked around.

"Hmm, what should I wear?" She asked herself. "I'll do stop and grab." She decided happily and ran her fingers across the dresses with her eyes closed.

"Stop!" She said and opened her eyes.

It was an orange dress that she bought online. It was a little different than what she normally wore, but it was still beautiful. "I like it," She nodded and pulled it off the hanger.

She hoped that Reid liked it. He would, he had voiced many times that he liked everything she wore. He would like it.


He loved it.

"Una visione di l'amore." (A vision of loveliness.) He whistled as Vanessa walked up to him.

He offered his hand and spun her once she took it. "The dress is beautiful, Vanessa. Your hair is beautiful. Your smile, everything about you. I love you, lovely." He murmured in her ear and pecked her glossy lips.

Vanessa blushed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Reid. You look handsome, as usual." She giggled and caressed his face.

"Thank you, my love. Let's get going," He told her and led her to the car.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now