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"Are you alright, cara mia?" Reid asked while cradling Vanessa's head to his chest as she tried to calm down.

He was terribly worried about her. In the ten minutes they had been at his house, she had yet to speak to him.

However, he understood her behavior. From what he heard over the phone and saw in person, Vanessa had been verbally abused by her ex-husband and she was terrified of him. He prayed that man never laid a hand on her or the child.

"Vanessa," He said softly and shook her gently.

It was now obvious that she was in shock.

Her eyes roamed across the room and panic set in them. "Cara, it's me. Reid," He pulled away from her and stared into her eyes.

"R-reid," She whispered shakily. "I-i, did he, did he take her?" She clung tightly to his hand and squeezed her eyes shut.

A sob escaped her and she placed her head on his chest. "Oh, God! H-he has my baby!" She wailed brokenheartedly.

"No. No, Vanessa. He didn't take her. You took her to my car and we're now at my house. She's resting, cara. He doesn't have her," Reid explained while rocking his beautiful woman in his arms.

Vanessa's sobs slowly subsided and she began whispering under her breath. "You're okay, everything is okay. Lailah is safe, and Mason is gone. Everything will be okay,"

"Vanessa," Reid shook his head in disbelief. This wasn't the first time that something like this happened to her. "Talk to me honey," He kissed her cheek. "Everything's okay, baby." He hummed.

"He's always so mean, Reid," She whispered against his chest. "W-when we met, he was nice, but then something happened," She continued with a puzzled tone. "He liked, he liked to make me seem like the problem. He would do something mean, and I would react, but then I would end up apologizing. He always made me feel bad for getting afraid," She shivered and clung tighter to him.

He wasn't surprised, but he was very upset. How a man could manipulate a woman like Vanessa was beyond him. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, amore mio." He wanted nothing more than to take a little visit to that man's house and teach him a lesson.

"I-i just wish that I had the confidence to make him go away," Vanessa murmured with fear in her beautiful brown eyes.

Reid arose from the couch with Vanessa in his arms and walked to one of his guest rooms where he placed Lailah. "You can. I know that you can," He kissed her cheek with a smile. "I am taking you to see your daughter,"

Vanessa melted in his arms and sighed. "Thank you, Reid,"

He opened the bedroom door and sat Vanessa next to Lailah. "It's not a problem, amore. I will do anything for you,"

And he meant it. She was the light of his life and he wanted to be with her forever.


For the first time in a long time, Vanessa felt safe.

She wasn't paranoid, but she was always a little afraid that Mason would show up and make things horrible.

This afternoon, however, she felt safe and secure and it was all thanks to Reid.

"Are you comfortable?" Reid asked as he walked into the bedroom with two cups of steaming cider.

She looked over at Lailah, who was fast asleep with her thumb in her mouth, and nodded. "Very much so, thank you, Reid." She said sincerely.

He was the kindest and most caring man she'd ever met. Not to mention extremely handsome.

Reid sat on the futon across from the bed and handed her a cup. "I'm glad, cara." He smiled making his eyes squint.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now