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Reid looked at Marco and tried not to groan. He was very chatty and he loved telling Reid what he needed to do. It was annoying.

He looked at the clock. 1:49 PM. "Vado a prendere il caffè. Se ti vedo nel mio ufficio quando torno, ti rimuoto me stesso." (I'm going to get my coffee now. If I see you in my office when I get back, I will remove you myself.)

He was ready to see if the beautiful woman would be in the shop. He hoped that she was.

Marco's eyes lit up and he smirked. "Vedrai la tua piccola donna misteriosa." (Ooh, you're going to see your little mystery woman.) He poked Reid's arm. "Dimmi, l'hai vista ultimamente? Sei stato un po' schifante." (Tell me, have you seen her lately? You've been a little crabby) He asked seriously.

Reid gripped his arm and pushed him away. "No. Non è in casa da qualche giorno. La vedrò uno di questi giorni, per Dio." (No. She has not been in for a few days. I will see her one of these days, by God.)

Marco rubbed his arm and sighed. "Per il bene di entrambi, vi prego di rivederla." (Well, for the sake of both of us, I pray you see her again.) He jabbed at Reid's arm again. "A proposito, dovresti imparare il suo nome." (Oh, and by the way, you really should learn her name)

Reid rolled his eyes and shoved Marco away from him, again. "Ah-ah. Chiudi la bocca prima che lo faccia per te." (Ha, ha. Shut your mouth before I do it for you.)

Marco groaned and stumbled. "Non c'è bisogno di essere violenti. Addio, capo." (No need to get violent. Goodbye, boss)

Reid grabbed his suit jacket and walked out of his office. He was ready to possibly see the woman who charmed him.


He had a pep in his step. Somehow he knew that something good was going to come out of his time at A Cuppa. His intuition was never wrong.

He opened the door to the cafe and looked around. He didn't see her, but he knew better than to worry. She hadn't been to the cafe in days, today seemed to be no different.

He walked up to the counter and saw a pretty young woman. She smiled politely and typed something onto the screen before looking back up.

"Hi! Welcome to A Cuppa, what can I get for you today?" She asked cheerfully.

Reid didn't need to look at the menu. He always ordered the same thing. "May I get a medium black coffee with a double espresso shot? I'd like a cannoli as well," He pulled out his wallet and handed her a twenty-dollar bill.

"It'll be $6.79," She said and the cash register opened. "Here's your change," She handed him his change and he placed it in her tip jar. "Sir, you didn't have to do that. I mean, that's a lot of money,"

Reid thought about what the girl said and realized that she was right. He opened his wallet and placed a hundred-dollar bill in the jar. "That's better," He said and walked to a table in the corner.

He wanted to see the mystery woman, but he would be patient and trust his intuition. He looked back at the counter and saw the young woman chatting with Gina, the cashier who usually takes his order.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and checked for any messages. He hoped to see one from Hayes, but of course, the man was irritating, so he wouldn't send any updates.


He put his phone away and looked up to see the young woman from the counter. "Thank you," He smiled and she placed his coffee and cannoli on the table.

The young woman only stared at him with a curious look in her eyes. Reid didn't mind. Maybe she was just grateful for the tip.

"Would you like to sit?" He asked not wanting her to just stand. He had enough space at his table for a guest.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now