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The next morning Vanessa decided to make breakfast for everyone. It was her way of saying, 'Thank you for being so kind,' because the Portalo men were very hospitable and respectable. Reid did a magnificent job raising Cabbrieli.

After her laughing fest, they all moved from the living room to the deck and played a game called What's Yours Like. It was Vanessa's first time playing it and Cabbrieli got her hip to the rules and by the third round, she was guessing like a pro.

"Good morning, beautiful," Reid walked into the kitchen and kissed her.

It was short and sweet, but her heart still pounded as if she ran a marathon. "Good morning," A soft smile etched on her face as she moved around the kitchen.

"I'm going to my meeting for the new property, would you like to come?" Reid asked and poured himself a glass of lemonade. "Have some," He told her and handed her the glass.

Vanessa took a sip and was amazed at how good it tasted. "Wow, is this special lemonade? It's the best stuff I've ever tasted," She didn't mean to sound simple, but in all honesty, it was just some good juice.

"It's called Milo's, I order it specially made from Alabama." Reid interjected politely. He was always polite.

"Oh," She pondered.  "And to answer your question, I think I'll be fine staying here. I'll miss you though." She almost apologized, but then she remembered that Reid wasn't Mason. She could tell him how she felt without getting berated.

Reid hummed and wrapped his arm around her waist. "That's fine, I'll miss you too. Having you close gives me peace, amore mio." He whispered in her ear. "I am glad that you're comfortable enough to stay here with me, I like this," He littered kisses on her face.

"Yeah," Vanessa murmured and stood on her toes to reach his lips.

He pressed a kiss onto her chin and captured her lips smoothly.

Moments later, his phone rang irritatingly loud.

Reid chuckled and kissed her once more before checking his phone. "Nothing important. But right on time, you've got me slipping, cara,"

She laughed lightly at his words. "I need to finish making breakfast," She insisted and washed her hands.

She could feel Reid watching her and she loved it.

"I'd love to stay and watch you cook, kiss you, but I must be heading out now. I will be back before twelve and when I get back I'm taking everyone somewhere special," He walked behind her and kissed her cheek. "Ciao, amore mio."

"Goodbye," She responded absentmindedly.

Reid swiftly pecked her lips and winked. "You are a brilliant woman, Vanessa Grace." He shook his head and admired her from head to toe, and to her surprise, she didn't feel uncomfortable.

"I will see you later, beautiful!" He called while walking to the front door. "I will truly miss you!" He added before leaving and closing the door behind him.


"Can I talk to you, Vanessa?" Cabbrieli asked as he walked down the stairs.

Nothing good rarely followed those words. Hearing them put fearful butterflies in Vanessa's stomach.

"It's nothing bad, I promise!" He reassured her quickly, making her butterflies go away. "Let's go by the pool, it's a beautiful day and the weather is nice," His voice was kind and she knew that there was nothing to worry about. But if there was a problem, she would just tell Reid.

She put away her glass and followed him outside. "What do you want to talk about?"

Her eyes widened as she looked at the backyard. She thought that it was gorgeous last night when they were playing on the deck, but nothing compared to how it looked in the morning light.

By Grace[BWWM]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن