10. Tricky Business (Zorua TF)

794 2 4


Pages (according to Google Docs): 16

Words: 7278

Characters: 41186

Characters (excluding spaces): 34052

Published On: November 30th, 2020



As of February 12th, 2022, the Galarian Institute For Human Safety And Health has issued a regionwide state of emergency, due to a gravely rapid spread in cases of a virus known as the Transfurvirus (aka TRANVI-21). Schools, most workplaces (except for places like laboratories), and transportation to other regions have been closed until further notice.

What is TRANVI-21?
TRANVI-21 is a virus capable of turning humans into Pokémon. The first case of TRANVI-21 occurred back in October of 2021, and was then labeled as a sporadic virus in mid-November. In mid-January of 2022, it began spreading at an alarming rate, soon becoming a region-wide epidemic in February. TRANVI-21 is dangerously contagious and should be taken seriously with extreme caution. TRANVI-21 can be contracted from being licked or bitten by a Pokémon with the virus. Once inside the human body, the virus attacks the victim's DNA, altering it to the DNA of the Pokémon which bit or licked the victim, or to the previous or next evolution of the Pokémon that bit or licked the victim. In extremely rare cases, the virus may also attack the victim's brain, which may lead to death.

How do I know if a Pokémon has the virus?
If you spot a Pokémon with any of the following symptoms which include excessive aggression, discolored fur/skin, foaming of the mouth, noticeably trembling limbs, or constant yet sudden muscle spasms, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES APPROACH OR ATTEMPT TO CATCH IT. Immediately contact the GIFHSAH at (999) 999-9999 so we can quarantine it. Please note that a Pokémon can in rare instances show no signs of infection.

How do I avoid TRANVI-21 and what are the symptoms?
The best possible way of combating this virus is to stay at home. Wear a mask at all times when outside your home, and maintain nine feet away from people as much as possible (also known as social distancing). If you suspect you have TRANVI-21, look out for the following symptoms: constant headaches, certain foods tasting or smelling better, heightened or lowered sense of smell and/or taste, numbness or stiffness in hands and feet, behaviors similar to the Pokémon that bit / licked the victim, allergy-like symptoms, paranoia, being easily agitated or disturbed, moderate to severe inability to sleep, food cravings, occasional muscle spasms, or trembling limbs. If you have any of these symptoms, STAY INSIDE. It may take up to a week for someone infected with TRANVI-21 to transform from a human into a Pokémon.

We wish everyone well during these tough times!" Read a news article.

Today's date was February 16th, 2022, the time being 7:45 PM. A sixteen-year-old boy named Zack with green eyes and soft, curly brown hair was walking to his friend's house, backpack on his back. Zack agreed with his friend to stay over at his friend's house until further notice so he can help watch over his pet and his brother who caught the virus, since his friend's mother was working overtime at the laboratory, working from seven in the morning to seven-thirty in the afternoon, trying to find a cure to this horrid virus. He then knocked on the door with three knocks at a house whose price range wasn't millionaire status nor average house status, but rather a little on the expensive side. The driveway inhabited an electric GMC Hummer truck, patiently recharging at its designated charging station. It didn't take long for a woman with long, blonde hair in her laboratory attire to answer the door and greet Zack with a blank expression on her face.

"Oh hey. You must be Zack. I just got home a few minutes ago. I'm Jimmy's mom." The blonde-haired woman greeted Zack.

"Yes, my name is Zack. I came here to help watch over his pet and his brother, correct?" Zack questioned.

Jimmy's Mom > "Yes, but please knock on Jimmy's room before entering. He's having a really hard time dealing with what happened. His brother was bitten by a Thievul that had TRANVI-21 a few days ago and just transformed into a Nickit about five minutes ago."

Zack > "That must suck. I feel really bad for him right now."

Jimmy's Mom > "It truly does. I am devastated that this had to happen to Jimmy's brother Nathan. I heard the news from Jimmy while coming home, and I cried."

As Zack and Jimmy's Mom exchanged conversation, a small, dark-grey fox-like creature rushes towards Zack, wagging its fluffy tail furiously in excitement while yipping repeatedly. The little fox then proceeds to greet Zack by jumping up to him, trying to lick his face. Its red nametag jingles audibly as the red-pawed vulpine Pokémon kept on jumping and yipping in glee that a new person came to Jimmy's home.

"A Zorua? Since when did Jimmy own a pet Zorua?" Zack thought to himself.

Zack hated Zoruas and Zoroarks with a bright, burning passion. He understood that Nickits and Thievuls can be absolute pains in the butt when it comes to keeping them as pets, but Zoruas and Zoroaks are extremely mischievous, can be super bitchy and cruel, and can even pull some mean and downright rotten stuff. Zack's parents one time had a pet Zoroark named Gus, and he was the worst living being in Zack's entire life. Whenever his parents weren't around or weren't looking, Gus would terrorize him, sometimes making it so Zack wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Now he's no longer in Zack's life, and Zack couldn't have been any happier. Jimmy's mom told him that the little Zorua's name was Zoey and that she was three and a half months old, and to make sure she doesn't lick or bite him since Jimmy got her in December as a gift, back when TRANVI-21 was just a sporadic virus. Another moment of conversation exchanging soon followed.

Some time of conversation exchanging later, Zack went to Jimmy's room, and knocked on the door with three gentle strokes of his fist. A heartbreaking, sob-filled voice responded telling Zack that it was ok to come in. Zack hesitantly opened the door, the white door emitting a slow, quiet creak. He then saw a seventeen-year-old boy with medium-short red hair and mesmerizing blue eyes sitting in the edge of his bed sobbing his eyeballs out, tears leaking from his eyes and onto his cheeks, while tightly hugging a small and fluffy Nickit, in which the Nickit Jimmy was hugging was also whimpering and crying, hugging Jimmy's neck with its ears flopped downwards. An intense feeling of shock hit Zack like an oncoming train, and he momentarily felt his soul leave his body as he began connecting the pieces.

"I-It can't be..." Zack softly said to himself.

"Unfortunately, it is." Jimmy softly replied, sniffling here and there.

"I feel so damn sorry for your brother Nathan. He didn't have to go through this." Zack spoke, and softly hugged Jimmy's now Nickitified brother.

Nathan continued to weep and ululate in Zack's arms, covering his face with his paws as to not reveal his tear-ridden vulpine eyes. Zack proceeded to comfort Nathan by soothingly rubbing his fluffy head and ears, and tenderly rocked him back and forth like a baby, saying "sshhhh..." as to try and lull him into a state of pure calmness. Jimmy knew that Zack was trying his hardest to let Nathan know that it was all going to be alright, and that this whole epidemic won't last forever. Zack began fighting back hot tears, knowing full well that this was reality and not some fever dream gone horribly awry.

Eventually, Nathan's loud and seemingly inexorable wailing and crying soon gradually diminished into quiet sobs and whimpers. Then those quiet sobs and whimpers slowly curtailed out of existence, Nathan now in a state of pure, unprecedented calmness, free from any strong emotions or feelings. He abruptly began to emit a soft, vulpine purr from how comforted and at peace he was by Zack soothing him. Nathan's eyes still glistened with tears and the fur on his face was noticeably wet from how much he cried. Sometime later, Nathan's eyes became too heavy to keep open, and he slowly fell into a state of siesta. Zack put Nathan down on Jimmy's bed on his side, and tucked him in, putting his head on the cool, memory foam pillow and burying him in the covers up to his neck.

"You *sniffle* you got everything you need to stay here until further notice?" Jimmy shakily asked.

"I do. I got my phone and charger, my toothbrush, my clothes, pretty much everything I need." Zack replied as he showed the contents of his bag.

"Let's just hope that this virus gets resolved as quickly as possible." Jimmy softly spoke.

Life at this point was only going to become more and more undone.


March 22nd, 2022, 9:32 AM.

Numerous weeks have passed, and the virus has spread at heart-stopping speeds, wreaking havoc not only on the population, but the Galarian economy as well. It has been estimated that fifteen percent of the Galarian population has transformed into Pokémon, while less than one percent have unfortunately passed away from this deadly virus. The streets in neighborhoods and the nearby city have become cold and empty, hauntingly resembling a ghost town. The GIFHSAH has done an excellent job of preventing the virus from going to other regions, and thankfully no other region has had any cases of TRANVI-21 yet. Everybody has been begging the same question for over a month.

When will we have a cure?

Zack just woke up from a horrible dream involving Jimmy being attacked by a Delphox with TRANVI-21 and then being transformed into a Braixen, not to mention Jimmy's gender changing from male to female in the process. It was dark, depressing, and left a scar in his memory for possibly a long time if not for eternity. He kept on having similar nightmares almost every night, a few of them involving Gus the Zoroark, but this nightmare was the scariest and most sob-inducing one yet. Zack found himself in a puddle of sweat on the verge of hyperventilating, and the skin on his face felt really tight and irritated. He remembered about Jimmy's mom telling him to not make Zoey lick him, and how he had a very bad allergy to fox Pokémon saliva. His heart sunk as he realized why his face was irritated, and he rushed from the guest room to the bathroom, speeding past Jimmy who was making himself breakfast.

The moment Zack saw his face in the mirror, he had to mentally restrain himself from swearing out in fear. His face was cherry red and blotchy, with some allergy hives sprinkled in here and there that were a pale-yellow color. The skin on his face was noticeably tight and painfully constricted, and his eyes were red and watered like the rapids. Jimmy paused making breakfast to see what was up with Zack, when he then came across Zack in the bathroom, messily splashing cold water on his face frantically.

"Uuuhhh... you ok?" Jimmy hesitantly asked Zack.

"I think Zoey licked my face while I was sleeping!!! I'M GOING TO TRANSFORM INTO A FU-"

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