3. Moonlit Revenge (Umbreon TF) (Part 1)

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WARNING: This story contains blood, violence, and strong language. Reader discretion is advised.


Pages (according to Google Docs): 22

Words: 9043

Characters: 47332

Characters (excluding spaces): 38552

Published on: March 20th, 2020


I woke up on a nice sunny day. It was the weekend, so I had freedom on what I wanted to do, since I (obviously) have no school today. That meant I could either play Roblox all day, take a walk outside, watch YouTube videos, whatever I could think of; all kinds of stuff. Spring was just and I mean just getting started; like spring just started yesterday type of just. The dreadful dead of winter has finally passed and now has been put into the rearview mirror.

You know what that means right?

The flowers will start to bloom after the three months of freezing cold winter.

The trees will start to leave hibernation and regrow their leaves.

The bees will start to do their job of pollinating plants.

The winter snow will finally melt (but this year we didn't have any snow for some odd reason; we only got rain), which means you can now see the beautiful green grass instead of dead white snow.

The climate will start to get warmer; which will be more likely to encourage you to get outside and obtain some fresh oxygen.

The days will start to become longer every day until the summer solstice.

Those annoying bugs will start to bug you again. (Pun intended) How? By buzzing belligerently into your ear constantly.

The weather/climate will start to be suitable for swimming!!! (Well, soon)

Summer is only three months away.

You won't need to wear your robust jacket/coat as often if not anymore.

Winter clothes start going into the attic.

It will start to rain more often. (April showers bring May flowers!)

Pollen will start to exist again. (Allergies oh my!)

AC season starts soon. (How else are you supposed to cool off? The ice bucket challenge?!)

Easter. Of course. (Or is it called Wester? I'm sorry)

Only a few more months until school ends. (Shocker)

Back to what I want to do today.

Wait a minute...

Turns out I have no clue what I want to do today.

No clue.


What to do? What to do...

It was like 9:50 in the morning, so I decided that it would be recommended that I have breakfast. I went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast when I saw my mom making me some pancakes. I couldn't resist smiling at the fact that my mom was doing something to make my day start off well.

"Good morning mom." I greeted my mom.

"Good morning." Mom said.

"Thank you for making me pancakes," I said with a smile on my face.

"You're welcome." Mom replied, smiling back.

Once she was done making me the pancakes, I put syrup on them and ate. I thought to myself that since she has made me something special, I figured today would be an amazing day, despite me having lilliputian to no idea on what I should do today. Once I was finished, I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and went to my room to ponder on what I should do today.

After some time of pondering, I decided to play Roblox for a while until it gets a little warmer today since mornings are cold, because since there's no energy coming from the sun at night, it gets cold, and at noon the sun is at its maximum angle so the energy from the sun is more direct. I know, my little spiel about the sun's energy was probably a little unnecessary, but I wanted to get my plan across. So, basically speaking, I would play my game until around noon.

Many hours later...

It's now 12:30 PM, and I'm still playing Roblox, currently unaware of the time. While I was playing, something in me for some reason just said "I've had enough; I'm not playing anymore" and I suddenly lost the will to keep playing. Besides, it was thirty past twelve.

Time for some fresh air.

I exited my Roblox client and went out of my room to tell mom that I was going to go for a walk outside in town to get some fresh air. She told me it was ok with her and to be careful. So I got my shoes on and went outside. The moment I opened my front door, a nice, warm breeze greeted me. Today wasn't a cold day at all; it felt great.

Today was the perfect day for a walk!

I headed into town and was surprised that few people were out on this beautiful day. I felt the sun's warm rays upon me. I couldn't wait for the trees to fully grow their leaves. I'm absolutely tired of seeing leafless trees; it made the atmosphere of any place very dull and like something out of a horror / suspenseful movie. For three months I had to deal with them, it's been too long since I last saw the greens of spring and summer. I then started to think about what the summer of 2020 would be like for me.

I miss summer.

While I was thinking about the upcoming summer, I suddenly felt something hit my back hard like as if someone punched me, followed by a shooting pain, which made me let out a loud and swift gasp. I swiftly turned around to see who had the absolute nerve to assault a minor, but no one was there. I was confused. I felt my back and felt something long with a soft top on it. I pulled it out, which caused more pain, which also made me yelp loudly. I looked to see what the object I just pulled out was.

It was a fucking blow dart.

My heart sunk harshly. I almost passed out from the utter shock and fear I was in.

Some idiot just tried to possibly either kill me or make me lose consciousness and then kidnap me.

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