7. A Cuddly Escape From The Heat (Sylveon TF TG)

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CAUTION: This story contains male to female transgender material.


Pages (according to Google Docs): 10

Words: 4382

Characters: 23611

Characters (excluding spaces): 19337

Published On: June 1st, 2020


Yup, it's that time of year again.

Summer. The hottest of the four seasons.

And you know what that means right?

AC season is here.

It's screaming hot outside.

You can get a painful sunburn for the low price of not putting your sunscreen on correctly or forgetting to put it on.

The trees have fully grown their leaves.

The darkness of night is now accompanied by the sound of loud, chirping crickets.

Honestly, I don't think I need to explain. You probably get the point.

I woke up, and I found myself in a puddle of sweat. My forehead felt very cold, in which my heart sunk and I felt my forehead in fear.

No need to worry; it was just an ice pack.

To be honest I thought I was transforming into a Glaceon again. I don't want that happening during the scorching heat of summer.

Why you ask?

About a week ago while I was outside looking for a certain fairy type Pokemon, I came across an ice evolution stone, in which I mishandled it by accident and I made myself become a Glaceon. I almost melted away to my death, but luckily someone came to my rescue and saved my life (thank god). I've heard countless stories about ice type Pokemon melting away to their deaths in the heat and a few stories about ice types melting and becoming water types in the heat before. Look, my most favorite Pokemon is Glaceon, but trust me, becoming an ice type during the summer is an absolute death wish.

I thought I woke up in my apartment, but I didn't. I didn't recognize this room. The room I was in had white walls, a balcony overlooking a nearby beach, and a comfy king-sized white bed; not to mention this room looked and felt very modern. The AC was on full blast not to mention. The only thing I remembered was me looking for that certain fairy type Pokemon, me trying to get back home because I was becoming too hot, and then me passing out from the unfathomable heat. Fairy type Pokemon are unbelievably rare where I live; so rare it's like hitting the jackpot seeing one out in the wild. I even one time saw a fairy type being sold online for close to a million dollars. They're that rare and hard to come by, and I wish I was making that up. The fairy type Pokemon I was looking for was some sort of eeveelution. I've seen one before, but I don't remember what it was called.

"Hello?" I said, confused as to where the hell I was.

No response from anyone or anything.

I still felt very hot from what happened, so I kept the ice pack on my head.

A few moments later I saw a woman enter the room I was in. She had almond brown eyes, frizzy black hair, and looked somewhere in her mid-twenties. She noticed that I was now conscious.

"Oh hey, you're awake." She softly said to me.

"Uhh... where am I? What happened?" I asked her.

"You're at my house right now. I found you unconscious on the sidewalk in the heat." She replied.

"Oh, ok. What's your name?" I asked her another question.

"My name's Jasmine. What's your name?" She answered.

"My name's Jimmy. Nice to meet you." I replied.

Jasmine > "So, how are you feeling?"

Me > "I feel kinda hot still. Also, what time is it?"

Jasmine > "It's currently 2:31 PM. Besides, what were you doing outside in the heat?"

Me > "I was trying to find this certain fairy type."

Jasmine > "Can you provide me more details?"

Jimmy > "It's some sort of eeveelution. That's basically all I know."

Jasmine > "Was it a Sylveon you were looking for?"

Me > "Yeah."

Jasmine > "I see."

Jasmine and I continued to talk about things for a few minutes. She was very nice and the way she talked was kinda soothing to me. Look, I'm already in another relationship with someone else at the moment and I don't want to cheat, but she was one of the nicest women I have ever met in my life (besides, not trying to be racist, we're different colors). She then told me that I should stay inside until it gets cooler outside, and then she can let me go so I can return back home, which was okay with me.

"I've got something to keep you entertained while we wait out the heat," Jasmine said to me as she reached for her pocket.

"Oh ok," I replied, wondering what she has for me.

She then pulled out an object that was familiar to me. The object she pulled out from one of her pockets was a bow of some sort. The bow in question was pink with white on its edges.

"A Sylveon bow? Interesting." I thought to myself as I recognized the object she pulled out of her pocket.

"How are you going to entertain me with that bow? Are we going to be roleplaying as Pokemon or something? Hey, I'm kinda into that!" I asked Jasmine.

"Sorta, but a tad different." Jasmine softly replied.

What? What do you mean "sorta, but a tad different?" I honestly have no idea what you mean by that.

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