8. Icy Experiment (Glaceon TF)

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WARNING: This story contains strong language and uncensored expletives. Reader discretion is advised.


Pages (according to Google Docs): 12

Words: 4903

Characters: 26216

Characters (excluding spaces): 21411

Published On: June 27th, 2020


The year is 2030, the date being June 18th and the time being 5:40 PM. Technology and science have changed dramatically over the last ten years, with humanity recently being very willing to try and experiment with new and exciting things and helping create breakthroughs, and not to mention, humanity has also just fully recovered and gotten over a horrible pandemic that started in early 2020. We're basically living in a decade of great and tremendous curiosity and excitement. It may not seem like it, but we're (kinda) willing to see what treasures and breakthroughs are in stock for us in the near and even far future.

And there I was, patiently waiting in the lobby for my name to be called, along with a few other people.

Wait a minute...

I forgot the backstory.

Shit. How am I going to explain this?


Well, here we go.

About a year and a half ago I signed up for this group called "The Experimental Service." It's a group where you are basically a test subject (horrible, I know) and you can attend and participate in any new experiments. It's basically just civilians helping out the scientists via participating in experiments to help speed up research and stuff like that in a nutshell. But signing up for this group isn't in ANY way shape or form an easy task. You can't be on any medication, you can't be allergic to anything, you can't have any medical conditions (this also includes certain past medical events), you have to be in a certain age group (a minimum of 21 and a maximum of 45 years of age to be exact), you can't have a criminal record, all of your five senses have to be in tip-top condition, you have to be willing to partake in these experiments, you probably get the gist. And if you are somehow able to get accepted into the "Experimental Service," you would have to answer a truckload of questions; approximately one hundred seventy-nine questions to be exact. And if you thought that being eligible for the Experimental Service background-wise was hard enough, those 179 questions aren't in any way less forgiving, as they also determine if you are eligible for the Experimental Service or not. AND if you thought that answering nearly two hundred questions was excruciating enough, it takes up to three months to receive that anticipating email saying that if you are verified or not for the Experimental Service. Finally, to top it all off, you would have to sign a contract saying that you would not share online any sensitive information that has to do with the Experimental Service, as doing so could cause you to get into some pretty bad and serious trouble. Oh, and did I mention that participating in experiments for the Experimental Service is very risky? Well no der it's risky; you don't know if the experiment you're partaking in could have an unwanted result, or worse, mess up your body in a certain way big time. But guess fricking what? I'm doing it because I know I'm helping out humanity.

Time for some more recent backstory.

About a month ago I received an email from the Experimental Service saying that there is a new experiment that required ten people to partake in. The experiment in question was to test an experimental serum that can (possibly) transform a human into either a cat or a dog. Me along with five hundred other members volunteered to participate in this experiment. A week later ten out of the five hundred that volunteered were chosen. I was given number seven as my test subject number. The ten of us were then informed via email saying that this experiment would last for a few days at maximum, so it is required to bring some clothes and other overnight necessities. We were also given the date of the experiment, not to mention.

I believe that's everything I have to say.

Now back to reality.

Hold on a second, where were we?

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