6. A Normal Day At Drowner Lake (Vaporeon TF)

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WARNING: This story contains an event that might trigger those who have been diagnosed with PTSD or other similar mental disorders, and might even cause distress in others. Reader discretion is advised.


Pages (according to Google Docs): 13

Words: 4957

Characters: 26066

Characters (excluding spaces): 21270

Published On: May 15th, 2020


About half a year ago I met this one guy. We decided to become friends about a few days later. His name was Carl, he was six foot two and a bit muscular. He had short, blonde hair, he had emerald green eyes, and he was somewhere in his late twenties.

Recently, about a month ago, we have been thinking about hanging out together and staying at his house for a few days. He lives in a house right by a lake that is about a quarter of a square mile in size. He told me about a day ago what this lake was called. The lake he lives right by is called "Drowner Lake." Such a strange name for a lake don't you think?

Today is the day we go to his house. I was packing up my stuff and preparing. It was 6:30 PM.

"So Carl, why is the lake you live by named 'Drowner Lake'?" I asked Carl.

"Let me tell you something about the lake you might not believe," Carl replied.

"No no, I'll believe it," I said.

"There is an urban legend about this lake. It is said that about 50 years ago, three men went boating out on the lake in the middle of the night, but they then went missing a few hours later, and the three men and their boat were never seen ever again since that night. Ever since then, the lake has these water-zombies that aren't very active during the day, but they are more active at night and they do come out at night and terrorize the lake's neighboring streets and neighborhoods, but like normal zombies, they walk very slowly. These water-zombies are called drowners, named after how they drown their unsuspecting victims. How they drown their unsuspecting victims is that they grasp one of their unsuspecting victim's limbs, and then they pull them all the way down towards the bottom of the lake, drowning them. About 10 people go missing at Drowner Lake roughly every five years. But the lake is pretty safe, since being drowned by these water-zombies is the same likelihood as being struck by lightning. Plus I forgot to mention these water zombies have long and sharp claws." Carl told the story.

"So they are like those water-zombies from Minecraft?" I asked him.

"Pretty much, except they don't wield tridents." He responded.

"Fair enough," I replied.

I then thought to myself, should I be going to this lake if people go missing due to quote "water zombies?" Is it SAFE enough to take let's say a boat out on the water-zombie infested lake? My instincts then told me "No, you shouldn't. Even if the chances of being drowned by these water-zombies is the same chance as being hit by a satellite that fell from a low-Earth orbit, don't take the risk." I figured that I would have to be an EXTREMELY and INCREDIBLY and OVERLY unlucky person in order to fall victim / prey to these water-zombies. Just when a pandora's box of questions was about to hit me, I already finished packing.

"I finished packing. Let's get going." I said.

"Ok, good. Let's get outta here. I can't wait to go jet-skiing on the lake with you tomorrow." Carl replied.

We then headed out and loaded our luggage and stuff in Carl's Silverado. After that, we buckled up and went off to Carl's house.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. My house is about 3 hours away, soooo... find something to keep yourself entertained." Carl said hesitantly.

I then decided to listen to some music while I waited out the long haul. While I was listening to my music, I then thought to myself, should I really be doing this? A sense of paranoia suddenly filled my body, as I feared that I would be drowned by those drowners.

"Carl? Are you really sure that the lake is safe? I've got a bad feeling about going onto the lake." I hesitantly asked carl.

"Yes, it is safe, trust me. I've been living by Drowner Lake for nearly a decade now and I'm a pretty experienced man when it comes to the dangers of this lake and how to handle them if I'm ever involved in them. Besides, if you ever get pulled under by those drowners, I'll be there to save you. I've saved many people from those water-zombies before. I can assure you that there is nothing to worry about." Carl replied.

I then thought to myself, yeah, I guess he's right. I'm overreacting.

"Also, one small thing, once we arrive, we have to go quick because of the water-zombies. It's dangerous outside at night due to the drowners' activity increasing at night." Carl said.

"Noted," I replied.

A few hours later...

After about three hours of inevitable boredom taking me over, we finally arrived at Carl's house. Carl and I made a plan of how we should quickly get inside the house without getting caught by any water-zombies.

Carl > "You ready?"

Jimmy > "Yes I am."

Carl > "Three, two, one, GO!"

We then rushed to get our stuff inside Carl's house, and it only took slightly over a minute to get everything from Carl's Silverado into Carl's house successfully. After that, we then got everything settled. Carl introduced me to the guest's room where I will be sleeping for the next few nights. I unpacked my stuff, put on my nighttime clothes, brushed my teeth, wished Carl a good night, tucked myself in, turned off the light, and went to sleep.

But no matter how much I closed my eyes and attempted to fall asleep, I couldn't.

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