92- Love and life

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Love is life,
Life is love,

In the lotuses of a God's eyes,
I find that everlasting love,

In the maddening notes wrung out,
From a lonely flute, I find that love,

In the peacock feathers that dance around,
I find that love pouring out.

In the blades of a spinning wheel,
I see the love of my life oozing

In the curled, marble folds of a stray conch,
I see love liberating.

And love is my life,
And my very life is to love,

Within the curly locks of my hair,
I find that love of my life sleeping.

Encased in the books I read,
I see that love printed in letters.

In the milkiness of my face that reflects sunlight,
I feel that love dance on my cheeks,

In the seconds of every minute of my life,
I find that love hiding in time,

In the creased cotton of my clothing,
I find that very same love laughing,

Oh, this love is my very life,
And my life is a witness to this divine love,

Yes this love defines me, my life,
And my life finally has found its love,

Yes, I shall love this life,
And live this love to its fullest,

For, love is life,
And life is love.

And, Madhava, You are both,
My love and my life.

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