63- Melodrama

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Kanha, it's eleven in the night,
And still, all I see is You, everywhere,
All I think about is You,
All I feel is You.

I love this feeling of You, Kanha.
Just the unsullied, undiluted feeling
Of Eternal, Unblemished Love,
Which has neither beginning nor end.

I just want to drown myself in You,
And never come back into this world,
But, You wouldn't let me because you're
Definitely not an easy God.

Somedays, I wonder whether my 
Puppy eyes will work on you.
Just to *butter* you into accepting.
That all I need is you.

But no! You ensure that I get tangled
In this world and don't escape Karma
Well, I am bored Kanha, for once,
Of your games, it's the same.

Start something new, and I'll join.
What about a Kali yug Raas?
Or a Kaliyug Sita Swayamvar?
Or maybe a Kali yug Krishnawatar?

Well, well, don't laugh,
It's the same, not new.
I am feeling sleepy, Kanha.
I've talked too much to you, today.

So, I am going to sleep.
And you better come, so
I can sleep on your lap.
I love commanding you, Milord.

It gives me a purpose in life
(Other than you, ofcourse).
Fine, don't roll Your Lotus eyes,
I will stop this melodrama at once.

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