


this message may be offensive
i just watched the batman movie last night at the pre-screening and oh. my. fucking. god. that movie was SO insane? it was SO GOOD. i honestly have no words. like honestly robert pattinson’s performance blew my mind to the point where i don’t know if he’s a better bruce wayne/batman than christian bale’s. and the movie itself too. like it was so much darker and WAYYY more thrilling than ANY other superhero movie including marvel and i’m being so honest rn. there were so many breathtaking scenes in this movie. no not even like every single scene in the movie was so cinematically pleasing ong. batman was fantastic. that’s all i have to say.


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no fucking way sydney sweeney is getting hate for doing “too many nude scenes” ???? the fact that ppl are focusing on that rather than her phenomenal performances in EACH EPISODE and EACH SEASON is honestly blowing my mind like there’s no way y’all are being fr rn. grow the fuck up, that’s so disgusting. let her do wtvr she wants the fuck she wants. no one is in any position to be talking about how many nude scenes or how many little nude scenes she does. ESPECIALLY men.