
I'm a bit late announcing this but I've been taking care of my father with terminal brain cancer since July. So all of my stories will be on hiatus until things settle down somewhat. I do have some plots that I think would be better off written by others. If you're interested, just reply to this or msg me directly. All I ask for, is to be given credit for the plot. Thank you.


I'm a bit late announcing this but I've been taking care of my father with terminal brain cancer since July. So all of my stories will be on hiatus until things settle down somewhat. I do have some plots that I think would be better off written by others. If you're interested, just reply to this or msg me directly. All I ask for, is to be given credit for the plot. Thank you.


Hey for those who follow, "My flirty roommates"; I got an outline done for the first chapter (it will be pretty long, I promise) but it will be on the serious and slightly dramatic side. I'll try to add humor but it probably won't be much.
          Is that OK with everyone? I plan to have it back to being funny and stuff but it's to set up the circumstances that lead the reader to living with them.
          I also have the beginnings of the outline for the second chapter, I'll keep working on it!
          Thank you for your patience everyone! ☺️


@zelliyn I'm really excited! Thank you so much for working so hard for us!


Hey, I know it's been a few months since I've been on here and I am sorry for that. But I'm focused on my mental health currently since I'm not doing well. Once again, I'm sorry everyone.
          I do have a chapter I can put out for "The Swinger's Party: After Party, " but I'm going to edit it one more time before I put it out. I plan on releasing it before Monday. I will see if I can come up with a short (600-1000 words) one shot with reader x Gloxinia about the holidays before the 25th. I can't guarantee it but I'll try. 
          Thank you everyone for your patience. I'm very glad that I have yet to receive a message about "hurry up n post da new chap!" or anything like that. Y'all are awesome. ☺️


@Uh_Oh_Spaghetti_Os  you're very welcome. 


@DuskMizuki aww... Thank you. ☺️ I wasn't entirely sure if I was a good writer but I just kept writing anyways


Hey, just letting y'all know that I'm still OK. I had an ultrasound done on my organs and they're fine. I also had blood drawn from my other arm.
          It's make it more real that I have sepsis. I also still have bacterial tonsillitis. I still don't know when I'll be released from the hospital. 
          I know I haven't updated my stories lately but for my college one, the part I have written is on my computer at home. I'll try working on my school one while I'm in the hospital. 
          Have a good day y'all!


@BunnyBai Thank you. I'll type what I can (which will probably be a paragraph at most) when I feel some inspiration. I have been released from the hospital but I'm still wiped out.


@zelliyn Take time to rest up, updates aren't everything. I hope you have a good recovery 


Well I've been admitted to the hospital for a few days due to the infection level in my blood. Just had more blood drawn and it'll be taken to a specialized place to pin point what is causing it. I suspect it's bacteria from my tonsils.... They're also worried due to the fact, that this shouldn't be happening.