
Hey Guys,
          	Just wanted to update as to why I haven't written anything in like, forever.
          	I'm currently desperetaly trying to catch up on school, as I have less than 12 weeks to get fully caught up on work I've barely been doing. So I'm a bit wrapped around that. I've also been planning out some spare fanfics and AU's in my spare time, but IDK when those will be coming out. Sorry about the delay in fics, ad there will probs continue to be a delay, and thus I apologize.
          	Hope you have a great day!


Hey Guys,
          Just wanted to update as to why I haven't written anything in like, forever.
          I'm currently desperetaly trying to catch up on school, as I have less than 12 weeks to get fully caught up on work I've barely been doing. So I'm a bit wrapped around that. I've also been planning out some spare fanfics and AU's in my spare time, but IDK when those will be coming out. Sorry about the delay in fics, ad there will probs continue to be a delay, and thus I apologize.
          Hope you have a great day!


Alright so now that my new Mavin fic is going over really well i kinda wanna scrap my old stories and maybe start a new with the same ships but just planned out and calculated insteadbof just free for all?? Would that be okay??


So If I Could Do It All Again... Is comin' along good! I'm honestly liking it so far! But, this next chapter is gonna be really long so grab your spectacles kids!
          I'm honestly putting all my work and effort into this story at the moment, it's the hardest I've worked on anything lately actually. I'm thinking that if you guys want, I could start updating stories at request? So if you message me/comment on the story you want updated I'll try to update it when I get the time, okay peeps!
          Also, I might start writing just Mavin and Raychael and main RT shippings since those get more views then my own stories. And honestly i like writing/reading them a lot more, so I know you guys must as well.
          Anyhow, comments, votes, and suggestions are always welcome! I'm zeldalover30 on twitter if you wanna follow me there or if you just wanna say "HEY MORON UPDATE!", that works as well!
          Till next time!


          Just an update (really should start doing these weekly or something) on some things.
          I recently updated A Mirror of Rage, which I plan to update more often seeing as I have 1,300+ words of the next chapter completed.
          Still planning out the next chapter in TTYD so it may be a little while, sorry.
          As for my other stories, if there's any you'd like to see me update, please let me know. I like your input as much as anything.
          (BORING PART) As for myself, I've been on a wacky sleeping schedule, am trying to tell all my friends I'm switching to online school, and have a family member in the hospital. So my life's a bit weird but  promise to draw and write through it all!
          I love you guys as always and AH for life!


          Just wanna say that 1! I am going to work on drawing Rikki so you guys know what she looks like to an extent.
          2! I'm thinking about doing weekly posts about what I might update soon so keep an eye out for that as well!
          3! Keep being awesome <3 I appreciate every read I get and love you all!


'Ello loves!
          Just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR OVER 150 READS ON "The Things You Do"
          I appreciate it soooo much! You guys are awesome and I love you all <3<3<3
          BTW expect a new chapter sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow or Friday.
          Anyhow, thank ya! I love you guys!!!<3


Heyyy So sorry If I haven't been updating much. I have had a lot on my plate lately so yeah. I'm so sorry. But anyhow, if there is any story in particular you'd like me to update, please  either reply here or comment on the story you'd like updated.