
Hi followers. Uh.. Not an exclamation mark type of day I guess. I just wanted to announce that I'm slowly putting my books on Ao3 as well. 3 out of 4 now lmao. I'm just gonna... Do it so I feel like they're somewhere completely fanfic-safe and beloved by its community. Run by fans themselves, you know? I'm... Umm... Yeah, that's it actually. Right! Name of the account is iamarainbow well for now at least. So there you go. When I feel more settled maybe I'll add it to my profile here. Not leaving Wattpad ofc... It's given me a scare these past weeks but it's still home to me. First place I realised I could free my writer's mind. E shock me. Kk. Thanks for seeing this. Don't be too upset with the random notif, I just felt it was important to post. In case someone thinks it's plagiarism some day, I gats proof ^-^


Hello, excuse me are you going to write other ziam fic ?


@Joelsziam25 I have a ziam fic called the comic book store that's already published. Don't think there's gonna be more than those tho, sadly. I also have other one d books out where they're a minor ship as well~


Hi followers. Uh.. Not an exclamation mark type of day I guess. I just wanted to announce that I'm slowly putting my books on Ao3 as well. 3 out of 4 now lmao. I'm just gonna... Do it so I feel like they're somewhere completely fanfic-safe and beloved by its community. Run by fans themselves, you know? I'm... Umm... Yeah, that's it actually. Right! Name of the account is iamarainbow well for now at least. So there you go. When I feel more settled maybe I'll add it to my profile here. Not leaving Wattpad ofc... It's given me a scare these past weeks but it's still home to me. First place I realised I could free my writer's mind. E shock me. Kk. Thanks for seeing this. Don't be too upset with the random notif, I just felt it was important to post. In case someone thinks it's plagiarism some day, I gats proof ^-^


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
I've been having issues with Wattpad for days now. Maybe weeks? I've heard some people are getting shadowbanned or their works are just disappearing?? Not trying to raise panic, I just... It's terrifying to think that all my shit could just be gone. Drafts too, even? That would utterly shatter me. I need to think. I may have to start saving them somewhere else. Does anyone have issues with this as well? Someone who knows more about it than me and can explain a bit more? They're removing private messaging too so just let me know here on this announcement. Me panicking after telling myself not to feel panic... Unpleasant experience. I've got to make a backup plan I guess. This place will stay my main and maybe it'll be back to normal after the messaging is removed but yeah, this amount of off-and-on despite my good network is abnormal and it is freaking me out. Again, please let me know if you have any extra information, I may just be overreacting based on some reddit posts I saw. Let's hope so.


@zeetheshipper I am able to open them, i check a bunch but I don’t really feel like check all 34 lol :D 


@zeetheshipper <3 np always here to help a name buddy! hope everything goes well with copying it:)


@SincerelyAngelBerry actually, I think I've figured it out. Or half figured it out. I switched to 3g instead of 4g and it's showing right now. I... Dunno why it's so complicated but I'm definitely going to start copying it all brick by brick to somewhere else. Thank you so much for your help, fellow zee. I'm super grateful <3


I'll publish a Billie Eilish fic soon. Short, mostly texting... I have so many drafts. Many of which are completed or done sans the final chapter heh. I also have a Jedward book, bcos I giggled at the thought of it being them and not Bella at the end of things. I have one with Klaus Hargreeves and some boyo that's unfinished. I have one with Andy from Old Guard which I kinda love but can't choose an ending for. A Sambucky as well. Lots. Maybe some day, bit by bit. I guess this is like... Teasers of what may come. I know you're all following me for different reasons and fics, I'm a pretty wide range shipper doe ngl :)


My nick name is Zee! 


Nickname buddies! and its was one of your Marvel ones and Roomies. 


@SincerelyAngelBerry ooooh nickname buddies! Might I ask which of my books drew your attention? Based on your bio I'm guessing it's one of my stranger things ones...? ^-^


I just published an old book with some of my oldest writing on this here app. I am turning twenty soon. By soon I mean next year March but the way the year is going, it'll pop in soon enough. It's been years of being here. And I do appreciate everything Wattpad has taught me. Wouldn't be this much better at writing without it. So much madness here ha, makes you feel like you're free to send out anything at all into the world cos there's always the possibility of someone finding it interesting.. That's just who Wattpadians are I guess. Thanks for sticking by all this while, people out in the world that don't know. Person hovering over their screen right now. I guess I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and grateful today... Both are rare but I'm gonna vibe with it. I'm some flavour of sapphic and nonbinary and ace and in the end, these are all words. In the end, I am just me. And that's okay too cos even when I thought I hated myself and had to, I was still me. Have a good day and hey, if you feel like, go ahead and unfollow, you are free to do everything you want to do. We don't control much in this world which can be sorta hard but we do control our own choices. Sorry for all the motivational ranting.. I just want to accept myself and allow myself to exist as I am in peace.


I’m so proud of you and I hope that whatever path you’re going you’ll succeed 


Hello, could I translate your book on tytans? I would translate the book into Polish, the translation would appear on my account but of course I would write to whom the book belongs and that it is a translation


@Vanilliana_Vanilla all's good then, have at it whenever~


Awesome!!! Somehow I might still be able to translate over the vacations! Of course I will write that it is your book <3


@Vanilliana_Vanilla oh, you definitely can! As long as you credit it to me, I'm totally cool with that ^-^