
for those of you interested, The Tides of Luna has been officially turned into a Zayn fic since it appears that’s what the audience would prefer! 
          	not sure if i’ll keep up with the regular fiction version. i’m in a bit of a weird mental headspace atm and i’m struggling with the decision on whether to continue writing. it’s a difficult thing to grapple with when i love it so immensely. 
          	regardless, i hope some of you will check out The Tides of Luna, especially now that it’s Zayn and Selene and no longer King and Selene. 


I have a question so supersonic would be my first zayn fanfic I am more of a harry girl but yk zayn is zayn but anyways I was wondering would you recommend i read hypersonic before supersonic or vice versa I’m just curious


it’s completely up to you! supersonic was technically written first, and hypersonic is a re-imagination of supersonic. so you don’t have to read one before the other! 
            hypersonic contains easter eggs and other nods of supersonic, but they aren’t important in terms of plot! if you don’t like one, i suggest you try the other bc they’re quite different in some aspects :) 
            and thank you for reading! i hope you enjoy! ❤️ 


for those of you interested, The Tides of Luna has been officially turned into a Zayn fic since it appears that’s what the audience would prefer! 
          not sure if i’ll keep up with the regular fiction version. i’m in a bit of a weird mental headspace atm and i’m struggling with the decision on whether to continue writing. it’s a difficult thing to grapple with when i love it so immensely. 
          regardless, i hope some of you will check out The Tides of Luna, especially now that it’s Zayn and Selene and no longer King and Selene. 


          i came to y’all a few weeks ago stating that my newest story The Tides of Luna was my entry into regular fiction-hood. however, y’all have disappeared and i’m struggling to maintain the love and devotion i’ve held towards TTOL as i’ve done for the last four years in its creation. 
          so, i would like to ask, if i turned TTOL into a regular zayn fanfic, would y’all read it? i’d keep the original (non fanfic) version up on my regular fiction account (zealouslywriting) so if anyone would prefer to read it as it was intended, you can. it wouldn’t be difficult for me to switch out King’s name for Zayn’s, as they have the same physical appearance. 
          please kindly let me know. i miss all my readers immensely. writing simply isn’t the same to me without you, even though writing means so so much to me. 
          i miss y’all. love y’all. hope you’re doing well and are excited for RUTS ❤️


@zealousniaz yes please make it a zayn fanfic


I’ve been so excited to read it but haven’t had too much time recently. Definitely going to try and read both tomorrow!


@zealousniaz Hi Lisa, I am really looking forward to reading your new story, I can assure you I haven’t left, just trying to find a moment when I can read your chapters without being interrupted as I want to give you my full attention. Whether Z is in the story or not I would still read anything you write. Even if your regular readers don’t come back I’m sure you will get lots of new ones and I wish you lots of success as you experiment with new story ideas. Xx❤️


Hi Lisa, I'm reading Supersonic (I'm in love ) but I wanna ask if you took down pics of Zayn, when I look at old comments it looks like there should be pics at the start of the chapters. Sorry for ranting, LOVE YOU X❤️


@zealousniaz Oh it's not affected anything for me, I'm in love with it. Just thought I was missing out on something, thanks for getting back to me. X❤️


hi! thank you for the kind words, i’m happy you’re enjoying supersonic :) the photos have probably been taken down by the website at some point or another, the story has been up for so long, that i can only assume. i might’ve changed a few photos/gifs when i re-uploaded the story after editing it as well. i’m sorry! they don’t exactly affect plot, but i can see how it would be bothersome. regardless, i hope you’re still enjoying! x


hello everyone! 
          it’s been far too long, i know, i know. i apologize. i’m here to announce big news: Supersonic has officially reached one million reads! :)
          i’ve been watching closely, waiting to cross that lil milestone. it’s admittedly taken a long time, but i’m excited about it nonetheless. i recall when i first began writing here that one of my initial goals was one million. didn’t think i’d ever reach it, so i lowered my ambitions to half that, but alas! here we are! 
          thank you so so so immensely much to everyone who’s read, voted, commented, supported, and shared along the decade i’ve been here. i’ve met so many wonderful people and i’m grateful for each moment (positive and negative) along the way. i think i’ve grown as i writer and i genuinely hope that is evident in my writing now versus when Supersonic first began. 
          those who’ve been here long enough know how special a place zarielle hold in my heart, so it feels even more special that they’re the ones to hold this lil record for me :) 
          i still cringe every time someone picks up reading Supersonic because i happen to believe it’s my weakest writing, but there have been so many of you to discover their love story and transition over to my other works, which is amazing! i still appreciate each and every read. besides that, i do think it shows my own growth as a writer (i hope)!
          i sincerely hope you’re all doing wonderful and are as excited for this new zayn era as i am! i know i’ve been absent for a while now and i’m sorry. life’s been crazy lately! mayhaps you’ll see me again soon — whether that be to finally wrap up Insidious Ocean or to finally begin that apocalyptic/dystopian/cyberpunk zayn fanfic i’ve been teasing for over a year…
          love each and every one of you always,


Hey! I hope everything has been good for you. Can’t wait to see more when you’re ready


OMG Lisa you’re back! Missed you so much. Congratulations on the 1M reads, you worked hard for it and deserve it. Can’t wait for more of Insidious Ocean and the new Zayn fanfic. Love you too, take care Xx