
lol hi, I've been REALLY REALLLYYYYY into this webtoon/manhwa "study group" recently, and ngl, with the very lack of fanfic i can find of them, I'd honestly start writing for them, why? because i can, and i need more geonyeob park fanfic or I'll go insane, read study group if you haven't!!!!


lol hi, I've been REALLY REALLLYYYYY into this webtoon/manhwa "study group" recently, and ngl, with the very lack of fanfic i can find of them, I'd honestly start writing for them, why? because i can, and i need more geonyeob park fanfic or I'll go insane, read study group if you haven't!!!!


[ WIP ]
          "who are you" a cold voice then entered her hearing which caused her to slightly jolted out of shock, her head then immediately snapped towards the voice behind her and were met with his purple orchid eyes
          she then began to notice his long white lashes, his beautiful tanned colored skin, the way he had stared back into her eyes, the hanafuda earring dangling onto both of his ears, she couldn't helped but feel mesmerized.
          working on a izana x haitani fem!reader
          I'm not dead i swearrr


my tokrev oneshot has been getting a TON of attention nowdays istg, and honestly, i am VERY VERY happy about it, but sadly I don't have any motivation to upload any oneshots nowdays, i still write every once in a while ofc but i still dk if i should upload it or not, and dw, I'm sure future me will managed to deal with that lol, so uh... I'll probably send one oneshot this month but who knows