
Hello guys! How are you? I hope you're doing okay during this very difficult times. This is just a quick update to tell you guys It Ends (Book 3) is currently ON HOLD, I'm currently busy with uni, but no worries I'll come back as soon as everything's settled down!
          	Anyways, a few people messaged me asking if they can read Book 1 and Book 2 while Book 3 is still on-going and the answer is: most definitely yes! They're all in the same universe, but features different pairings. Although I would suggest reading them in chronological order for enjoyment purposes ~
          	That's all, bye bye and see you all soon.
          	Stay safe and take care ❤️


Hello guys! How are you? I hope you're doing okay during this very difficult times. This is just a quick update to tell you guys It Ends (Book 3) is currently ON HOLD, I'm currently busy with uni, but no worries I'll come back as soon as everything's settled down!
          Anyways, a few people messaged me asking if they can read Book 1 and Book 2 while Book 3 is still on-going and the answer is: most definitely yes! They're all in the same universe, but features different pairings. Although I would suggest reading them in chronological order for enjoyment purposes ~
          That's all, bye bye and see you all soon.
          Stay safe and take care ❤️


Hello there!
          I've just uploaded the first chapter of "It Ends (Book 3)" ❤ It's about one of the characters in "It Begins (Book 1)", that we all know and love (maybe); Steve Curtis a.ka. Andrew Curtis' younger brother!
          Okay, so I'm not sure if we're gonna be having daily or even regular updates, since right now I'm bombarded with lots and lots of assignments, but I will try, I promise. 
          I'm not too sure about the first chapter to be honest, but I'll just publish it and see how it goes!
          Thank you and stay safe, my loves x


          I've already finished editing both It Begins (Book 1) and It Continues (Book 2). Hooray! But please keep in mind that it was a soft editing, meaning I just corrected spelling mistakes, grammar, some dialogues that doesn't make sense/irrelevant, so there might be some mistakes still, but it's definitely better than before!
          But please also keep in mind that English isn't my first language, although I've been speaking in English since I was like 5 or something, so yeah, there will be small grammar mistakes. Grammar nazis, you've been warned! ^¬^
          I'm not sure if you noticed but I also changed the covers :) I figured after almost four years, it's right to make some changes. I also added some pictures in each chapters, I figured it'd be more visually pleasing that way.
          I'm actually thinking of adding a third book to conclude The Little Cafe Series to, you know, to make it into a trilogy or something like that. I'm not sure when I'll have the time to write it down, but I have rough ideas of what's it gonna be like. So stay tuned!
          Thank you x


Btw to all my readers, old and new, past, present and future, I'm currently trying to edit my books (emphasize on the trying). I wrote them when I was 17 and oh boy, it seems to me some editing is a must-must! I'll try to find time to edit since I kinda have time now, so expect some updates/notifications from my books if you have them in your library or reading lists.
          Have a good day/afternoon/evening! 


oh! i literally forgot the main reason i'm posting the message lmao. i really am getting older! (is 23 even old? lol)
          anyway, i would like to thank those who have read, voted and commented on my stories. and those who's put my books in their reading list! i have nothing to say, but thank you ❤
          i apologize for any mistakes or errors (i'm sure there are some!) in my stories. i will edit them one day for sure!
          ok, that's it. stay safe and take care everyone. love yalls! 


hello and good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!
          i just changed my username haha. the old one was made when i was like 17 or something. a new username feels a lot better. 
          anyway, how's everyone doing during this difficult time? i hope everything's well with you and your loved ones! 
          well i'm currently at home - as i've always been for the past few months, as an introvert, that's basically all we ever do lol. i just finished my exams last week and now i'm on a short holiday before starting a new semester next month. i can now officially say i'm in my final year (I'm getting older now lol)
          take care and stay safe, everyone. drink a lot of water! ❤


hello! i'm doing okay and so is my family. we're slowly taking down most of the restrictions, schools are back on, we can watch movies at the cinema and etc. but  social distancing is still practiced! oh, good luck for your final year! i'm sure it'll be an exciting year for you.  
            take care, as well! x


          My intuition was right. Three years ago, I could feel myself slowly losing inspiration and passion to write romance-fictions and although this fact saddened me a lot, I know now that it's okay. Writing fictions was something that the teenage me loved to do, but now that I'm in my 20s, I don't think that passion and love will be the same as they were before. And it's okay! 
          When you've reached your 20s, A LOT of things are gonna change. Your passion, hobbies, perspectives, likes and dislikes and etcetera. So what I loved doing as a teenager may not be the things I love doing now. But that doesn't mean I dislike writing fiction! Of course not. It's just that now my main priorities are different and I have other passions that I want to pursue.
          Looking back at my short "career" as a wattpad author, I realized although it was kinda short-lived, I know I've learned a lot. And I'm so proud of the teenage me that went out of her comfort zone and publish her creations for the world to see. I'm also happy that there are still people that bothered to read my not-so-perfect works. 
          Thank you so much to everyone in the wattpad community. Y'all rock!! I love yall 
          P.s. I'm not deleting any of my works or this account, no worries! I'll just hang back and return here every now and then. (I read all comments still )
          P.s.s. I may or may not continue writing here, because I still have that author gal in me, ngl! 
          Sayonara, for now and not forever!
          Stay safe and take care, everyone xx


RANT #1 
          HAHAHA omg, it's been three years since I've been here!  Wow, I didn't even know where to start! Everything's so different, holy crap.
          Hey, guys! It's Sera. Idk if you remember me, but it has been a while. This is the first time I've re-installed the app and log in to my account. I have TONS and I mean TONS of notifications and messages - most of them are 2-3 years old  
          As per my last message that I posted, I was suffering from a severe writer's block and I couldn't keep up with my stories because I just got into university, and everything was just so new and overwhelming!  Now, almost four years later, I'm in my final year of university. WOW, the time flies so fast!
          Anyway, I'm posting this message because I just want to thank each and everyone of you who read, voted and commented on my books, also my followers! I appreciate it, a lot more than you know ❣️ 


@MyNameIsMedusa_ Hi!!!
          How are ya? Remember me?  I saw the message you wrote below and I'm sure something will come to your mind!!! :3


@SmileychanEmily Hi there!! Of course, I do. :) Aw, that's so kind of you to drop in and message me. You've just made my day! And thank you so much. I really appreciate it ♥