
Y’all on Thursday, there was a fight at my school. Apparently, this girl that was expelled got into this fight with another girls cousin. After they fought for a little, the principal came out trying to calm them down. After that, the girls PARENTS got out there and the parents started arguing. Then, the freaking cops showed up! I swear there were like 5 cop cars out there and the girl that got expelled was arrested.


@Queenace06 oop- my principal almost got punched


@your_favorite_beeboi we had something similar t my school a few weeks ago two girls were fighting and one ripped part of the other girls hair off and there were at least 9 cop cars


Y’all on Thursday, there was a fight at my school. Apparently, this girl that was expelled got into this fight with another girls cousin. After they fought for a little, the principal came out trying to calm them down. After that, the girls PARENTS got out there and the parents started arguing. Then, the freaking cops showed up! I swear there were like 5 cop cars out there and the girl that got expelled was arrested.


@Queenace06 oop- my principal almost got punched


@your_favorite_beeboi we had something similar t my school a few weeks ago two girls were fighting and one ripped part of the other girls hair off and there were at least 9 cop cars


@your_favorite_beeboi thank you so much for all the kind words and the messages (that might have been deleted idk wattpad has been acting up for me lately) you’re really awesome and I’m so happy that we’ve meet even though it hasn’t been that long I already think very highly of you and kindly ask for you to accept to be my friend please and again thank you so much for your kindness even though I’m just some rando on the internet! <3


@your_favorite_beeboi no please don’t cry! And I’m so happy that you became my friend you’re really cool but please don’t cry!


@Queenace06 Omg Im crying rn, You are just so nice! And your so welcome! Im really glad we met as well and I hope we can have a good relationship as friends!