
Hello, I am a writer ✌️
I will mostly write smuts, and you may request certain people, kinks, build up stories, and places.
Although there would obviously be no incest or child rape.

My online name is Euphørīã, so please refer to me as that.

If you talk to me, please do not ask personal questions, I want to stay fairly anonymous.

I have two accounts and I might not always be online on this one, so that's just a warning.

I also will give late replies often, because of my time zone.

Have a wonderful day|night!
  • JoinedJune 13, 2021

Last Message
youknowwhatidoo youknowwhatidoo Sep 22, 2021 06:14AM
Y’all I just read the most messed up book ever. If you wanna read it, search up “yes sir. Sorry sir.” It made me cry out of fear a couple times.
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Story by Euphørīã
Corpse husband smut/lemons by youknowwhatidoo
Corpse husband smut/lemons
(Female x reader) (Kinky) Y/n is aged up. Obviously. I may write about certain scenarios, if you suggest them...