
 /ㅤcee bee &&. (opt) spec ++ drop cause i finally have muse 4 her :') 


;  spam  ‼️  if you're not up for it then smth sweet ml  <3


 /ㅤcee bee &&. (opt) spec ++ drop cause i finally have muse 4 her :') 


;  spam  ‼️  if you're not up for it then smth sweet ml  <3


 /ㅤjust popping in to say that cat literally doesn't do relationships. being the embodiment of lust, it's always been difficult for her to feel more than sexual desire for people, BUTTTT, when she does fall in love (it's only ever happened twice, cough cough darcel and adrian cough cough) she gives it her absolute all, despite how terrifying it is for her. sure, she's hesitant at first, but once her walls are broken down (again, something that's only happened twice), she's literally everything and more that someone could ask for in a partner :') 


/   cat >>>> anyone else tbh


/ reminds me of casual from Chappell Roan LOL


;  i <3 her sm your honor


...i  love  you.  i  hope  you  know  that.


@amaremorsusㅤ*ㅤi know you do.ㅤ(ㅤwith a soft smile,  catalina extends a hand,  fingers intertwining adrian's digits in her own.ㅤas she continues,  she leans closer,  pressing her forehead to his,  rosy hues fluttering shut.ㅤ)ㅤand i love you more.ㅤi hope  / you /  know that. 


he's  not   here   if   you're   looking   for   him,  he   went   out  a while  ago, dunno   where. 
          /  adrian ofc ‼️‼️


this message may be offensive
(  pure  confusion  and  surprise  was  written   all   over   the   male's  features   when   the   small  box  came  into  his  view.  he  carefully  took  it   out   of   catalina's  hands,  as   if   it   was  a   piece  of   glass.  )   for  me?   (  barely  above  a  whisper  he  voiced   his   thoughts  before  he  opened  the  box  and   his   usual  annoyed,  half  lidded  colorful  eyes  went  wide  at   the   sight   of   the   bracelet.  )    holy  shit─  holy  shit..   (    it's  not  like  he   was   surprised   because   of   the   colors  of   flag  but  because  why?  why'd   she  bother   herself  to   buy  him  anything?   those   questions   kept   running   laps  around   his   mind  before   damian  lifted   his  eyes   to  meet  the  female's  prettier  ones.  )   thank  you..  ...  you  didn't   have   to  y'know─  (  he   muttered   as   he   was   quick   to   avert   his   eyes   away   from   her,  eye  contact  was   something   that   he  was   never   good   at   keeping  neither   was   showing   appreciation  but   nonetheless   he   was  glad   he  managed   to  get   out  a   proper  thank   you.  )    i  like─  no  i  [  love  ]   it. 
            /  losing my mind as we speak ‼️‼️  (  he'd never received gifts before so excuse him  <\3 ) 


@iracndiaㅤ*ㅤwellll,  i was thrifting the other day and i found this.ㅤ(ㅤwith a gentle smile,  catalina pulls a small box from behind her back,  holding it out to the male.ㅤ)ㅤit made me think of you,  so of course i had to buy it.ㅤ:') 
             /ㅤdare i say it's a charm bracelet w the colors of the mlm flag ,, 


me?  why'd   you   come   to   see   me.   |':