
Hey guys this is from my moms phone cause the one I was writting on which is my laptop broke and I am mad,suffering i dont know why it had to happen this way. But anyway I'm sorry to who ever are interested in myphotoshoot sope book cause I wont be able to finish it am sorry, this account is gonna be frozen cause I cant write on it anymore am sorry guys, I was able to install this app on my moms phone cause we made a deal saying that I teach her English and she let me borrow her phone sometime so am sorry I cant finish the book and my previous drafts I had for you guys, oh and the way that my laptop broke was I spilled apple juice on it when I was sitting on my bed and it immediatly shuts off, u regret doing that. Am sorry guys tr trulysee you in  never. 
          Also sorry for my speling mistakes am not use to writing on a phone it's so skinny bye army thanks for reading and voting 


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@heysoulsister34  idk i literally only have 3 chapters or its beacause of sope you could try and do taekook or something idk but i want to say your book sounds interesting ill check it out from time-time.


@heysoulsister34 how do u get your book to have so many reads