
hello, in case you forget, I'm actually alive 


hi um, does anyone actually remembers me being exist in this wattpad world? 
          no? okay.


@yoorai senpai, how can u forget me? its me, your one and only STUDENT HAHAHAHA


@siazhan nEW pHoNE wHOs DIs


Hello Canvas readers! 
          Just want to let you know that i am so grateful for all the loves, so thankful that the book finally hits 1k votes :") i finally achieved that after sooooo long the book was published. Thank you so much!!


          to all my readers 
          also to those who know me.
          I would like you guys to know that I always love to write and I would write more than what I have for now, but the time won't let me. 
          I admit that I'm a bit jealous with all of you at the fact that you guys always have the time to write and publish more, also at the fact you guys communicate a lot with each other, I really want to know more of you and be friends.
          Anyways, I will really come back after I done my final which 2 weeks from now on, I will come back and write more okay. So please wait and don't forget about me! 
          xoxo rai <3


@yoorai good luck in your finals :)) <3