
First day of school tomorrow!!! I have my new uniform laid out and I’m soooo excited


A guy just offered me 2000$ to send him photos of me doing splits and leg holds in bikinis. The only reason I didn’t say yes is because it was on my shared gymnastics account and I didn’t want my friend judging me bahahhahaha 


Is anyone else the oldest in basically every group they are in but still get treated like the baby? 


@April_Limelight like I’m 5’5 it’s not my fault everyone else is a giraffe! I’m above average 


@April_Limelight hahaha yeah it’s partly because I’m the shortest. I’m not short just on comparison to everyone else.


I’m literally about to cry because of this stupid lady. I’ve teach gymnastics and we can’t really do regular classes so we have an option to do conditioning and stretching class. The older coach who usually leads was away so I had to take over. Anyway the nam of one of the kids asked to take to me and then proceeded to scream at me that the classes were boring and that her kids didn’t like them. She asked why I wasn’t teaching them skills and like it’s a hard wood floor and we can’t spot because of COVID so what does she want me to do. She then called it constructive criticism.... nonono


Black and white by Niall Horan is so under appreciated, my biggest flex is my maths teacher was his neighbour and got our exams autographed. Also my babysitter Sean’s sister dated him.... being Irish pays off swear everyone is connected to Niall hahahah


Eternally is a literal masterpiece, I expected a mv but we got an eerie short movie


Literally same hahahaha it was so cool though, and their visuals!!! 


@yoongichibby Ikr! Ngl, it kinda freaked me out, probably bc I was watching it at night in a thunderstorm...