
This is from my new Seoulwarts update, an important announcement that is important to my account so please read. 
          	Also, this message also applys to a majority of all my other stories on here. I've either lost interest in the fandoms or motivation to write a lot of these stories. With that being said, if you follow me for some of my books, I'd recommend unfollowing because I'm going to reboot this account into who I am as a writer now. I like writing about nature topics, I am even more knowledgeable about k-pop now, and I'm more intelligent and mature now. This account will now be for my new perspective of writing and what I want, so if you don't want to read my new stuff or simply don't care, just unfollow me and move on. I won't take offense.


This is from my new Seoulwarts update, an important announcement that is important to my account so please read. 
          Also, this message also applys to a majority of all my other stories on here. I've either lost interest in the fandoms or motivation to write a lot of these stories. With that being said, if you follow me for some of my books, I'd recommend unfollowing because I'm going to reboot this account into who I am as a writer now. I like writing about nature topics, I am even more knowledgeable about k-pop now, and I'm more intelligent and mature now. This account will now be for my new perspective of writing and what I want, so if you don't want to read my new stuff or simply don't care, just unfollow me and move on. I won't take offense.


big gay 


Are you Leggo, (Exid fandom)? 


@You_got_james95 hmmm,I love the remastered version of Dreamer, Up and Down, and DDD!


Mine is all but DDD, Lady is my favorite! 


(You can ignore this but I need @j-dreaming to rEaD)
          So like I got an idea for a fanfic but I don’t know, I kinda wanna do a ship??? Obviously I want it to be gAY lmao sorry I’m not a lizkooker or whatever I’m not a delulu
          So like what ship I’m thinking maybe Jaeyong
          I’m mainly doing this because I have a gr8 idea for a fanfic


this message may be offensive
shit emojis don’t work i forgot 


wow coOol
            but jungkook oppa belong to lisa unnie so 