
How do you think it feels going back to square one, after suffering for more than a decade, thinking that you have become strong? Wouldn't it feel really tiring and torturing .....?


@fantasybound_Risha You are right. Pain and suffering can never make you stronger. It just leaches out your self confidence and happiness like a poison. 
          	  Thanks for telling me this. I feel the same and you gave words to them...


          	  What happened ??
          	  How can you not tell me baobei? 


          	  Ironically as per me, it is a misconception that pain and suffering make you strong...in reality it is a mild acid that eroded your soul bit by bit...the pain feels reduced and that makes us thing we are healing..we are growing strong. 
          	  But realization strikes when we get stabbed again....sigh!!!
          	  We realize we have never healed, we are still standing where we were last second, last day, last moment.
          	  .....I am sorry...I can not write anymore more than this. It hurts , still I am not allowed to cry, allowed to be loud.
          	  Maybe if you feel really low, you can share....I have no medicine but have an ear to listen


How do you think it feels going back to square one, after suffering for more than a decade, thinking that you have become strong? Wouldn't it feel really tiring and torturing .....?


@fantasybound_Risha You are right. Pain and suffering can never make you stronger. It just leaches out your self confidence and happiness like a poison. 
            Thanks for telling me this. I feel the same and you gave words to them...


            What happened ??
            How can you not tell me baobei? 


            Ironically as per me, it is a misconception that pain and suffering make you strong...in reality it is a mild acid that eroded your soul bit by bit...the pain feels reduced and that makes us thing we are healing..we are growing strong. 
            But realization strikes when we get stabbed again....sigh!!!
            We realize we have never healed, we are still standing where we were last second, last day, last moment.
            .....I am sorry...I can not write anymore more than this. It hurts , still I am not allowed to cry, allowed to be loud.
            Maybe if you feel really low, you can share....I have no medicine but have an ear to listen


Hello everyone. 
          Since the Wattpad is removing the dm feature, I am sharing my Instagram handle here. I love talking to y'll. You can reach out anytime you wanna talk! 


@Werly_Prelude Yes I have. I have watched almost all the dramas of Song Joong ki except the very recent ones. What about you? 


@yi_zhan_dream wait I saw your profile...you've watched.


Ehmm, so I used to text Wang Yibo on Instagram whenever I wanted to share anything. Because I took him as my best friend (lol and he won't ever know). Now Insta has changed the settings and I cannot text him anymore until he accepts my invite to chat (its not going to happen ever in my delulu world either ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠’⁠O⁠’⁠*⁠)⁠/)...
          So I saved a last message to him..
          "This might be my last message to you. Because Instagram has changed algorithms and I just can't message you again now. I know you don't know about my existence and you will never come across my texts ever. I don't know what to say, how to express how much heavy I am feeling knowing I won't be able to confide in you again. Umm, maybe if I have to put it in words, maybe it feels like my favourite warm pillow is being snatched, or like this is the last page of my personal diary. It hurts but can't be helped. Like my single supporter, my only best friend has turned his back towards me. It hurts so much but I don't want haters to demotivate you either so it's better this way. Yibo ge, you are my inspiration, a person who kept me alive and happy all along. You are the one who came into my dreams to cheer me up after I slept being tired from a hard and a  long monotonous day. Today also it was a hard day but a single thought of you, just vanished every pain like always. I love you, will always do. I feel your fragrance whenever I see you on screen, I smile when I see you smiling and of course I cry when I see you crying. 
          Yibo gege, if someday in this life, my texts really reach you, even just for a millisecond, I want the reply in the form of your beautiful, enchanting smile. Jaiyou to you, cheer up!
          Also remember someone miles away is alive because of you, so you have to take care of yourself❤️. I will miss this warm feeling. I am signing off today. I won't be writing here but I will still share everything with you! Instagram has changed, my heart is still the same (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ" 


@yi_zhan_dream but Little bit drink is okay .. hihihihi 


@soulblood55 Let's partyy!!! But this time I am not gonna let you drink to the brim bruh!! I am tired of carrying you on my back everytime (⁠┛⁠ಸ⁠_⁠ಸ⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


Hehe I couldn't believe I got so many wishes and love from my friends here. Sorry, for replying so late but thankyou so much to all of you. And I wanna let you all know that I love you so much. You all are my happiness, serenity and peace. Please be with me❤️


Happy Birthday!! May God Bless You & All your wishes come true. 


@lazeeann thankyou so much ❤️❤️❤️


@izzyiva thankyou so much ❤️❤️❤️


@ lazeeann  happy birthday 