
Just random.
          	I was scrolling through reddit and found a post on r/RWBYcritics about Ironwood. I read through the comments and a thought suddenly popped out of my head.
          	General Ironwood and General Shepard from MW classic are somewhat similar when you think about it.
          	Ironwood was allied with Ozpin and his round table. Shepard was a trusted general by the US military and by the Rangers and TF141.
          	Both betrayed their respective allegiances for a different goal (Ironwood: Protecting Atlas. Shepard: Restoring America's reputation) after a giant event that mentally broke them. (Ironwood: the attack on Vale and the responsibility of keeping the peace in Solitas. Shepard: the deaths of 30,000 under his command during an attack on Basra, Iraq.)
          	Both made huge sacrifices to achieve them (Ironwood: Leaving Mantle to the Grimm. Shepard: letting Pvt. Allen get killed by Makarov and get discovered by the Russians to start WW3.)
          	But ultimately died doing it. (Ironwood: dies along with a falling Atlas. Shepard: dies by knife to the head trying to cement himself as a war hero.)
          	This is just a random thought that came to my head so take this message as you see fit.


this message may be offensive
@yeeetrt pretty fucking accurate honestly


Just random.
          I was scrolling through reddit and found a post on r/RWBYcritics about Ironwood. I read through the comments and a thought suddenly popped out of my head.
          General Ironwood and General Shepard from MW classic are somewhat similar when you think about it.
          Ironwood was allied with Ozpin and his round table. Shepard was a trusted general by the US military and by the Rangers and TF141.
          Both betrayed their respective allegiances for a different goal (Ironwood: Protecting Atlas. Shepard: Restoring America's reputation) after a giant event that mentally broke them. (Ironwood: the attack on Vale and the responsibility of keeping the peace in Solitas. Shepard: the deaths of 30,000 under his command during an attack on Basra, Iraq.)
          Both made huge sacrifices to achieve them (Ironwood: Leaving Mantle to the Grimm. Shepard: letting Pvt. Allen get killed by Makarov and get discovered by the Russians to start WW3.)
          But ultimately died doing it. (Ironwood: dies along with a falling Atlas. Shepard: dies by knife to the head trying to cement himself as a war hero.)
          This is just a random thought that came to my head so take this message as you see fit.


this message may be offensive
@yeeetrt pretty fucking accurate honestly


 What HME be on your story? Aggressive or friendly? 


@yeeetrt can you change the appearance of alpha-3 to L-133?


@yeeetrt Ohh..... Okay I got it. I'm looking forward next future chapters. 


@KennyWeebKun Those are hints on HME Foreign Policy


Something's wrong with Wattpad. I just fixed the whole notification problem but now I lost almost 75 percent of the books I saved in my library, tags aren't working, and the search bar is also not working. Dafuq is this Wattpad? If this persists, I'll be switching to another site.


@Raxam_05 I am planning on doing that but I'm lazy to put every chapter to a word file and post in and idk how to publish on ao3


@yeeetrt Just in case I think you should start uploading your story on other websites such as and ao3


Does qua-toyne will be having armed deal?


@yeeetrt eiy don't know if thats a real yeeetrt...for the confirmation was your profile pic was gura with a boomba.


Alright, I'mma be real with yall...
          I am so close to being done with writing all together.
          Currently, I'm questioning my motivation on this.
          Was I just writing for wasting time?
          Letting people enjoy my stories?
          Maybe just for fun?
          Idk anymore...Its confusing as hell.
          So much so that I'm having difficult time to even make a single chapter and always had to rewrite. 
          I just want to say that my mind is in a conflict of its own, split between this and my own life. I'll just see what will come out of this confusion.


@yeeetrt Hope everything goes alright for you then.