
Hey everyone,
          	so I know/am sure that many of you are mad at me for not posting for almost a year, or what seems like it. My computer crapped out on me in December or so and I have not had my own personal computer or been able to buy one until about last week. I am waiting to see if I can get my files back from my old computer so that I can restart my stories, I am having a hard time writing without all the notes and old chapters I had from all my stories. If I can't get my files back in a week I will start writing again anyway.
          	I am trying, I really am. Please have just a little more patience.
          	xoxo Natasha


Hey everyone,
          so I know/am sure that many of you are mad at me for not posting for almost a year, or what seems like it. My computer crapped out on me in December or so and I have not had my own personal computer or been able to buy one until about last week. I am waiting to see if I can get my files back from my old computer so that I can restart my stories, I am having a hard time writing without all the notes and old chapters I had from all my stories. If I can't get my files back in a week I will start writing again anyway.
          I am trying, I really am. Please have just a little more patience.
          xoxo Natasha


@Princeton_Misfit I am really sorry that you think you 'wasted' your time reading my story. If I could update I swear I would but I have been left with out my own personal computer for a while and have only just got a new one. I am trying to update but I am waiting to see if I can get my files back which was everything I have worked on including this story. I am trying, I promise.


I wasted my time reading  Story of a Teenage Stripper {Arranged Marriage} 
          I thought it was finished but i when i got to read chapter 45 (44) i noticed that the whole time it wasn't finished. Like please update, i never reall done this because honstly its annoying but please update :)


Hey everyone!
          So I am so sorry for the delay on all of my stories, my computer has finally crapped out on me and I have lost all of my documents, including, my stories. I could write more on them but I have chapters that I hadn't released yet and notes about characters on them too. I am working on getting back my documents, so hopefully I can update soon.
          If you have any questions, message me.
          xoxo Natasha