
Sorry for not updating, I feel so bad when I see the comments to update. Unfortunately I still can’t upload for a while, (I barely have enough time to write my major work so) however the good news is it’s going to be over in about half a yr so I’ll probably be uploading around Christmas? Thank you all for reading and the comments! 


Sorry for not updating, I feel so bad when I see the comments to update. Unfortunately I still can’t upload for a while, (I barely have enough time to write my major work so) however the good news is it’s going to be over in about half a yr so I’ll probably be uploading around Christmas? Thank you all for reading and the comments! 


Rena Anderson is closed off from the world and sent to her aunt’s house after her father left and her mother died soon after. There, she finds herself going to high school each day, letting the days slip by without much emotion. She has no tears left to cry with a hole in her that needs to be healed and hating everything including life. Until one day she starts to receive mysterious messages that are clearly not for her. What adventures will life bring her with the insistent boy next door and her frenemy who makes her life unbearable? 
          So this is a summary tell me what you think... do you like that kind of story? Should I change anything? Suggestions?


Own original story :)


@Crystaltudance That is a really good summary, you shouldn't change anything as It might to lead to something glorious xD


Hey, I hope you’re having a great day! I’m thinking of writing another story! Any name suggestions?


ooh i don't know what that is but i want to try write my own original story instead of a fanfiction:) (Since i still haven't finished writing it)


@Crystaltudance Mark of the Perfect Storm? -^-