
Hi! Elemental is finally up! I hope you enjoy it despite it being quite sad. I’ll  try to start working on the next chapter asap but I’ll be focusing on getting the next chapter of Runaway up first! Thanks so much for reading my books!:):)


Hi quick update on Elemental! I promise it’s coming, I’m currently working on it as much as I can but without giving too much away, it’s gonna be quite a sad chapter and I have to be in the right headspace to write it. I’m hoping it should really only take me this week coming to finish it, but we’ll see. After that I’m thinking there’s only one main chapter left and maybe an epilogue if you’d want that! Thanks for your patience! :)


Hi, just a quick message to say I’ve been on holiday and haven’t done much writing lately, but I’m trying to get updates done soon! Runaway should be updated first, I have more of the draft edited for it. Elemental may take slightly longer as it’s coming to an end and I’m trying to get it right. I have got a partial draft for the next chapter tho so I’m slowly getting there. Hopefully updates will resume next week for Runaway at least! Thank you so much for all the new reads! Runaway has hit 1k and Elemental has hit 2k and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much for reading!:)


hello! your two books are incredibly interesting and captured me from the first words, it's insanely cool! I wanted to ask if I could translate them and publish them on fikbook, where all the works are in my native language. I will naturally point out all the links to the original. 
          To be honest, I've never done this before, but I hope you'll give me your permission 
          Thanks anyway for the work!


Hey! Just wanted to say Elemental will be late again this week :( there’s only about 3 or 4 chapters left and I’m trying to make them good, so it’s taking a little longer than planned. I’m hoping it will be up mid-week but I’m a big procrastinator and cause it’s causing me so much bother I’ll probably keep putting it off :/ sorry and thank you for being patient! :):)


Hii! Elemental is going to be late this week as I’ve had no time to work on it and I’m struggling to write these last few chapters. I’d rather put out something good than rush it, but hopefully it will be up by at least this time next week if not before it! :)


Omg tysm!! I just love writing tbh I have so many more books sitting waiting whilst I finish these haha so I’m always active on here honestly :) I’m so glad you’re enjoying :):)


yayay i'm a new reader and i'm loving elemental so far! i'm also really excited for runaway as well :D it's so nice to see that you're active and not abandoning ur books <3 looking forward to read what you have prepared!