
I'm on my father account now pals!


Hi there I see you are a Hetalia fan....Me too!!!My favourite is England!and thank you for following


@PuchiBazan_Kiri XD *shrugs shoulders*It isn't like I watch Hetalia*hears knock on the door*Miss here is your package of Hetalia!


@PuchiBazan_Kiri no problem! And what makes you think im a hetalia fan? *hetalia song plays* *answers phone* y'ellow? "I thunk thats why' oh! Thanks for that me! "Any tine me! And might i say your looking fabulous! Now! I know your Hungary so go eats some pasta!' Will do!


So my baby brother's inflatable globe ripped right on Russia. And I fix it enough so they can play wonder ball, and I say it can't be fixed permedently. And through all of this I'm saying "poor Russia" in my mind I'm thinking (poor Ivan) and then my other little brother is saying "And I thought america was a lost cause" and I I saw a america headcannon for APH and almost slapped him, because I'm that bad, and that was a talk with Niar!