Hacked by you're favourite sister @SonnetSinner :3


I'm so excited to announce that this year I'm going to participate in Nanowrimo this year :) I'm thinking about starting a new story or adding one of my current stories for this year which would be playing with fire or my daryl dixion fanfic 


Ok so the way my phone is acting I can't really update unless I get in WiFi so when ever I get ahold of WiFi I will publish new chapters I'm not risking to lose my chapters I almost lost a 1,064 word chapter for playing with fire I was lucky I didn't lose it so I'm taking a precaution for my chapters :) 


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've had writers block. Since school started up again, I've been busy trying to finish my last three credits of highschool so I can graduate. I also have been sick on and off again this year "I'm sick currently writing this out" and also my "last" excuse is that a harry potter marathon came on freeform And had to record the movies then came to find out that order of the phoinex didn't come on freeform and only HBO and I couldn't record it cause I don't gave HBO -.-. But I promise I will update soon!


This summer I have a plan of rewritting all  my stories.  then hopefully I will  I have an editer(already have one for the position just need to her say yes so excited ) to go over them and give me the rewritten copy's for me to puslish I'll come back on here and post which ones are edited and republished thanks guys  the first story I'm working on is finishing deadly secret and rescue is possible . 
          Hugs and kisses