
Hello wonderful people! 
          	Just coming by to say that finally after 8 months of the last story being done and published, I'm very happy and excited to announce that the third book from the "Angel Series" or the "Night Angel Saga" is finally here! 
          	Go and check it out! See you very very soon!


I've made the choice to finish and upload all of my books in here because I love to write and I want people to read them and also, that it's okay if no one does, but at least I get the satisfaction that they're out there and at some point, someone might like them. 
          Writing is one of my biggest passions, my escape and I feel so happy writing and making stories and universes, and characters and all of that, that not having views at all is not going to take away this feeling and love I have for writing. So yeah, I'm just going to do it and see what happens. 
          Thank you though, to all of those who do read them, it means a lot and I hope I bring at least a little bit of joy to each of you and hope that you stay here for what's to come in the future! 
          Lots of love, everyone! 


The Epilogue for Night Angel is already up if you want to go and check it out! 
          Thank you guys so much, I hope you like it and that it has been something you enjoyed reading during these past months. 
          I'll be seeing you in a bit with a final Author's Note and a proper thank you. 
          See ya!


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
          I wasn't sure anyone was going to like the story and I was afraid I might have to take it down but I saw that some of you liked it so I kept it and I see you enjoy the plot and that makes me very happy, even if it is just two of you, THANK YOU. 
          I never had the courage to write the stories that I created in my head (Marvel or not Marvel related), because I thought I didn't had what I takes to write a story with a whole plot line and stuff like that, but after a dream I had where my grandpa told me to show the world my stories (he passed away three years ago), I got the nerve to finally do it, and so even thought this is cheesy, I want to take this moment to dedicate this book and the ones I'm in the process of writing to him, because he is my biggest inspiration and he always believed in me, even when I didn't. 
          Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read it and to enjoy it. I appreciate it and I love you for it. 
          Lots of love, C. ✨


So, I was considering whether or not I should continue uploading Night Angel. It is a story I started back in May 2021 after having the plot in my head for way too many years but I didn't have the courage to do it, but then I gained to courage and I uploaded the first chapters and I don't want to stop writing or cancel it because I have so many amazing things prepared for it but I'm scared people are not gonna read any of it so yeah:) 
          I would really love it if you guys told me what you think and stuff. 
          That was it, Sophie, out!


anything that makes you happy to do is more than good enough sophie!! of course <3


@chocolatecakeandbeer It's just that sometimes I get really bumped because I feel like it's not good enough:( but I'm going to keep on posting because I really like it and I'm proud of it. Thank you thank you 


honestly who cares if people read it or not, if you enjoy writing it then you should post it!! 