
Hi there. I would like to make a quick update on the next chapter of Subject 516. I was so caught up with my trip to the Dominican Republic, there was no way I was going to finish the chapter on time. Then, a day or two after I returned from my vacation, I ended up getting Covid. So because of that, I wasn't to get around and finish up work on the next chapter. I am doing better now and I'm back at work on finishing it up. I do apologize for the lack of progress.


@Andrew2579 No worries! Life happens sometimes and it can’t be helped. I’m sorry you got sick. :( I’m happy you’re feeling better! :) Whenever you can update is fine. No worries and no rush!


Hello there. Are you planning on doing more chapters for Interconnection?


@Andrew2579 Okay cool! Looking forward to reading it!


@xSereneMeadowsx No problem. I am at work on the chapter for the story. It's also going to be a 2 part chapter as well.


@Andrew2579 You're welcome! I unfortunately have not had the chance yet. I will check them out and get back with you on them soon!