
Que the dramatic entrance no one asked for, 
          	I'm back, sorta! I've finished up school and started working, but now I have way more free time to relax and enjoy writing! I will be picking up where I left off on To Short For This! I haven't lost hope just yet, so if you're interested, stay tuned! 


Que the dramatic entrance no one asked for, 
          I'm back, sorta! I've finished up school and started working, but now I have way more free time to relax and enjoy writing! I will be picking up where I left off on To Short For This! I haven't lost hope just yet, so if you're interested, stay tuned! 


Hey everyone ^^ 
          So, for those of you who read my story;
          It's going to be on hold for a while. I'm in my last three months of schooling till the summer and have a crap ton of things to do. 
          [Namely a 7 paged English essay X.x]
          Sorry for any inconvenience, and I hope to get back to writing the lovely story of Lottie and Luther soon 
          Please bare with me :) 


Teaser one is up and out! 
          The chapter focuses on Van's point of view for the most recent chapter out,  'Break Ins, Bruises, And a Hot Date' [8]
          There ARE depictions of abuse in it so far warning. There ARE warnings on the chapter and on the book description itself, so fingers crossed no one is surprised that it's in there
          I can't wait to delve into Van's story, but I must finish the one I've started first UnU 
          I hope any of yall that read it, enjoy it.


So I was thinking, dangerous I know, about Van's story.
          I had this idea to take a few of the chapters where he's a big part of Lottie’s story and make them sorta teasers for his. But from his "point of view," 
          I was thinking of picking three, one from the beginning, middle, and "end" of lottie’s. 
          I have no clue if this is a good idea or not, but yeah
          Also, I have lottie’s story mapped out, and sadly, Van's story won't be truly taking place until the end of lottie’s 
          Which is sorta why I wanted to do this. But yeah
          Let me know, please and thank you


@scisucks, thank you  I think I gonna go ahead and do it. That way, he has some background to his story


@xOdysseusx no matter what your story will be awesome, do whatever seems perfect to you