
Hey yall~ So I started White Magic up again! (i mean if anyone was keeping up w it lmao). I'm changing it a bit so we'll see when the next update will actually be. And since im at uni, i dont know if i'll update super often but i will whenever i def have the chance~! But i put the prologue up for it so check it out if ya wanna ^~^


Hey yall~ So I started White Magic up again! (i mean if anyone was keeping up w it lmao). I'm changing it a bit so we'll see when the next update will actually be. And since im at uni, i dont know if i'll update super often but i will whenever i def have the chance~! But i put the prologue up for it so check it out if ya wanna ^~^


Hey y'all~! A couple of things! 
          1a) I finally updated White Magic! I was in NJ, and Memphis for a concert and the week of the 4th, so I wasn't able to update.
          1b) I'm changing my day to update it to Wednesdays, because I'm sure that I don't have work and school, so I won't be too lazy! 
          2) I've deleted Healing of the Heart because I don't feel comfortable writing it. It dealt with certain issues that I know now I didn't have a place to write about, and I started it when I was like 13 when I didn't know anything about the topic so... yeah!
          I'm sorry to delete it so quickly! But I felt like it had to be done. Other than that, I don't think there's anything else! Just check out White Magic: Unknown if you wanna~! ^^


Yo~ It's been too long~! No one's probably going to read this but there's a couple things I'm going to say! 1) I changed my Username. I was "Justhavefunwithit" but I changed it bc of reason number 2) I'm posting more (or trying to). I have a couple of books I'm really excited for and I really didn't want to have "Justhavefunwithit" on the cover bc now, 3 years later, it looks kinda dumb lol! 3) I'm editing and revising the story myself, as well as working, going to school, and actually having a life, so it's not going to be really quick updates on it because I want to make it really good! 4) I hate to do this, but I'm going to be deleting Healing of the Heart. When I started writing it for a friend, I was a lot younger and I didn't know anything. But I really think that I shouldn't have because it deals with relationship abuse and that's something that I really have no right or knowledge of to talk about in my stories! Plus I didn't even think about it then, so I will be deleting it soon! And if I go through my books and see that there's something triggering or controversial, I'm either going to remove it from the book and edit where I need to or completely delete the story *bc honestly they're kinda cringe-y stories anyways*But yeah! I think that's it! I just changed my username so just to make sure everyone knows, I was previously Justhavefunwithit! But yeah that's all~ ^~^


Seriously guys, I'm really proud of myself! I finally finished the next chapter for Her Unplanned Journey! I know, it's like 2 or something months late! But it was so HARD writing when I didn't have any ideas or motivation :( I'm not making any promises on Healing of the Heart, but just know I haven't given up! I will try to write a kick butt chapter and have it up as soon as possible! :D


Oh i know the feeling..... congrats


           there's this thing about some Heart Bleed issue. I don't know if it's true or not, but everywhere i go (on here, tumblr) its saying something like that and warnings and all. I hope you guys will change your passwords so nothing bad happens to you or your account info! Even if the whole thing is BS, it's still better to be safe than sorry. 
          Everyone knows that school is coming up to a close, and thank GOD for that. I currently only have at most two weeks, which means a lot of finals and powerpoints for this college student. I sadly won't be able to update anything until after I'm done with school. I could say I could try, but I know I would just be getting you guys and my hopes up. Let's keep a clear mind with this. KEEP IN MIND: This DOES NOT mean I will not be able to edit stories. I will be able to edit your story (If I already am, or you're in need of someone), and make covers to those who need it. It may take me a little longer with the covers than the editing (and even that may take at most 3 days), but I will still be here! 
          So yeah, that's the end of my rant. Bye! :D Indie


Hello my Silverian and Second in Command mathswise! We should have a WATTY MATHS PARTY!!!!!!! FOR SILVERIANS IN MY SILVERIANS ONLY DISCUSSION!! SO BRING ALL YOUR TEXTBOOKS AND GET READY FOR A MATHS MARATHON..uh...MATHSATHON!!! I love maths and I had my first year 10 maths lesson today so that's why I'm so hyper! Also I had quite a large portion of minty Aero chocolate a while ago so that could be it..
          Goodphi!! (Silverian speak for goodbye)


Update: I'm not dead....
          Well hello my lovely Jellie Beans! *A side note: I realized that I call my followers the same thing that someone I follow calls their followers. I feel bad, but I most definitely didn't try to steal her idea or anything! That's just not cool.
          Anyways! I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day, or watched Netflix a whole bunch, which is basically the same thing. I've posted a new chapter of HOTH if you wanted to know.