
Hi everyone, I’m sure that this is no surprise, but I haven’t been able to work on writing for quite some time now! I thought that university would bring about enough time, but I just haven’t had the time to write (of late). However, I do have some stuff in the works, so stay tuned! 


Hi everyone, I’m sure that this is no surprise, but I haven’t been able to work on writing for quite some time now! I thought that university would bring about enough time, but I just haven’t had the time to write (of late). However, I do have some stuff in the works, so stay tuned! 


Hello all! I have a question for my followers who are particularly interested in “Come, Josephine”- who would you guys like to see more of? Josephine and Nick, Jack and Rose, or do you like things the way they are now? 


Great idea, I’ll definitely work on that! 


@write-write-writing I think we need more of Jack and Rose. I love Nick and Josie, don't get me wrong, but I feel like since they got back together it's been very focused on them and not Jack and Rose (I know that's the point of the book). I think some soft fluff (maybe Jack treating Rose really nicely and looking after her could be nice 
            Happy writing


Hey, I have a question, more like an idea for your Titanic fanfiction ‘Come, Josephine.’ Will Jack and Rose have another baby at one point? I remember Josephine mentioning that Rose could still have a child, which would be a great thing to add.


@write-write-writing; Awesome! I can't wait till that happens!


Hi there, thank you so much for reading! It’s definitely an idea I’ve had for a while, but we’ll have to wait and see where it slots into the story as I don’t want to overburden my characters with different plots and ideas that don’t coincide. To answer your question in short, yes, that will most likely be an outcome to this story :) 