
it is so heartbreaking what is happening in the country right now. murder is murder , and we need justice . too many times , black people were killed senselessly and it’s really not fair . we need change . even if you aren’t black , your voice matters . sign the petition to get justice for george floyd . make sure you vote ! let’s put people in the office that are willing to change the world ! it doesn’t matter who you are , your voice MATTERS . your life MATTERS . 


it is so heartbreaking what is happening in the country right now. murder is murder , and we need justice . too many times , black people were killed senselessly and it’s really not fair . we need change . even if you aren’t black , your voice matters . sign the petition to get justice for george floyd . make sure you vote ! let’s put people in the office that are willing to change the world ! it doesn’t matter who you are , your voice MATTERS . your life MATTERS . 



Hey, may you please shout out my book this is my first one and trying to honestly know how I am doing!


@worksbyc__ yes, it’s published currently still working. I don’t know why it’s popping up as an error message for you.


hey when i try to click on your story an error message pops up. is it published? 