
'The Reason?' has officially finished.
          	What did you think of it? 
          	I mean, not really. I currently have two of the five Bonus parts already written and ready for publishing, as well as a part of the playlist. When I am satisfied with the latter, probably after the stress of my diploma dies down, I will add it to the book.
          	But if you have any thoughts, rants, and questions - I am open to answering all and anything (or most)! 
          	I still want to thank every single one of you readers for the support shown over the years, those that found this story and fallen in love with it a few weeks ago, or even the few I have seen from the very start, you mean a lot to me! <3 
          	During certain parts, certain 'arcs' if you want, certain phases of Ophely's life, It was hard for me to write, but I am so glad I persevered and pushed myself to finish this baby.
          	It is a huge thing for me since The Reason? is the very first story that I finished, and I started a lot (in the twenties I think, I mean, more than just one of three chapters). So this means a lot.
          	Thank you again, I hope that you have enjoyed the story, the characters, the message that I (tried) to explain throughout the book, and that you look forward to the goodies that are to come. 
          	Nick <3


@workfortheNickoftime I started some months ago and I'm glad I found this book. Thank you 


'The Reason?' has officially finished.
          What did you think of it? 
          I mean, not really. I currently have two of the five Bonus parts already written and ready for publishing, as well as a part of the playlist. When I am satisfied with the latter, probably after the stress of my diploma dies down, I will add it to the book.
          But if you have any thoughts, rants, and questions - I am open to answering all and anything (or most)! 
          I still want to thank every single one of you readers for the support shown over the years, those that found this story and fallen in love with it a few weeks ago, or even the few I have seen from the very start, you mean a lot to me! <3 
          During certain parts, certain 'arcs' if you want, certain phases of Ophely's life, It was hard for me to write, but I am so glad I persevered and pushed myself to finish this baby.
          It is a huge thing for me since The Reason? is the very first story that I finished, and I started a lot (in the twenties I think, I mean, more than just one of three chapters). So this means a lot.
          Thank you again, I hope that you have enjoyed the story, the characters, the message that I (tried) to explain throughout the book, and that you look forward to the goodies that are to come. 
          Nick <3


@workfortheNickoftime I started some months ago and I'm glad I found this book. Thank you 


The Reason is soon coming to an end. 
          You're sad, I'm sad, we're all sad. I know. 
          But before it ends, on the 4th of June will be the last official Chapter, I want you to know that there will be 5 bonus chapters. Sort of Epilogues and deleted scenes. 
          Not all are done, I have two currently finished, but I also have exams coming up, so I cannot plan out when these will come. 
          Thank you again for your constant support and enthusiasm towards the story, it means a lot to me. Seeing the number of people reading, where you all come from, your votes, reading lists and your comments made me crack up many times, helped me through some blocks, and motivated me to continue writing. I'll thank you again once the story in completed <3 
          Nick <3


@lizannaC - Quand j'avais commencé cette histoire, c'était parce que moi je ne savais pas où j'allais durant mon lycée, tout comme Ophélie. Et donc maintenant que elle sait où elle se trouve, ce qu'elle veut faire, et que sa vie est relativement stable, c'est la fin. Ca ne sert a rien d'avancer pour aller nulle part, dans mon opinion.
            Le fait que tu pense déjà relire l'histoire me fais bizarre T^T mais beaucoup plaisir. J'essaierai cette été d'éditer The Reason? depuis le début, et donc sa traduction aussi. Mais, bon, on verra.
            Merci encore pour le soutient <3 (et si je me souviens bien, tu as trouvé l'histoire sur Ao3, et je suis enfin a jour entre les deux sites!)
            Passes une bonne journée <3


@ workfortheNickoftime  Hooooo ! Bientôt la fin, ça va faire bizarre mais c'est aussi une bonne chose de finir un livre, de mettre un point à une histoire pour justement écrire sans que ça devienne moins bien par manque d'inspiration ou autre ! Tu choisis la fin de ton histoire donc c'est le mieux. Et soit sûre que je la relirai à nouveau dans quelques mois pour le plaisir de relire le début et les détails 


Chapter 64 is online for 'The Reason?' ! 
          And I promise you, the story is done in only three chapters ... This is becoming real. 
          Merry reading to all, 
          Nick <3


We have just surpassed 3k votes on 'The Reason?'. Thank you everyone for the constant support! <3


Busy month coming up for readers of 'The Reason?' !!!
          Be ready for an update every Saturday coming tomorrow, four in total for this month. The end is coming, I have a lot written, so I will not keep those chapters away from you for much longer! 
          There will also be a little QnA at the end of Chapter 53, if you have the time and energy to answer (or not).  
          Happy reading to everyone! 
          Nick <3


@ workfortheNickoftime  hooooo ! So great! Je suis impatiente ! 


So, writing Chapter 54 of 'The Reason?' and realised the chapter is huge. Not done yet and I have already surpassed the previously longest chapter... 
          Get ready to cry in a month.


@ workfortheNickoftime  hooooo ! I'm scared! But glad to heard that you're writting! 


Also, I made an Instagram account for my stories. 

          Here you go. I will link it to my profile here.
          I don't know what I will do there. For now I am posting the stories that I have on here and Ao3, and maybe I will share snippets n stories, the art that I do of the characters... I honestly do not know.
          (It was also random for me)
          Love, Nick <3


So sorry for people who were waiting for an update for 'The Reason?'. It is finally coming along! 
          I just finished my mock exam, and It went well, and during some waiting time between my presentation and my friend's, I got to writing Chapter 51. Completely changed my mind with the plan, but I am having a lot of fun. I will try to post it this weekend, as not to move the schedule too much. 
          Thank you for your patience!
          Nick <3


We have surpassed 60k reads on 'The Reason?'. 
          I would like to thank every reader who spent some (or a lot) of their time reading this story throughout the years because, yes, it has been years since I started writing Ophely and Jeonghan. I started in late Autumn of 2020, and now we are three and a half years later. 
          I wish with all of my heart to be able to finish their story before I graduate (I have two and a half months, that isn't much when you remove the moments of overwhelming stress ...) 
          Thank you again for reading and constantly commenting, voting and adding this story in your reading lists, I see it all and it makes me smile just to know that other have enjoyed their story. We are on the final stretch with them, I know,  my heart in pumping too at the thought.  
          Nick <3
          (just realised the date, no, this isn't an April's Fools)