
Hey everyone! I just published a poem on my collection. It's one of my favorite things I've ever written. I'm quite proud of it and would really appreciate it if you read it and left a comment! :)


Honestly, I'm super happy with a good amount of my poetry (the newer stuff much more so than the older stuff, in most cases). I want to share it with people I know.
          But I definitely let my life bleed into my poetry, and that scares me. Will they recognize the truth? Will they assume the lies and exaggerations are truths? Will they see themselves? Ahhhhh.
          So yeah. I can't really share it with anyone for fear of changing people's opinions of me. Oops.


Hey all,
          Good news and bad news. (Well, I think both are good, but objectively one's good and one's bad.)
          Bad news: I unpublished my 1D & 5SOS imagines. Most of those I wrote many years ago and I'm not proud of them. So yeah.
          Good news: I published a new book! It's a collection of poems I've written throughout my life. They're not necessarily connected, but just pieces of poetry I want to share.
          Hope y'all have a good day/night/week/month/year/life!


Yaaaaaaas you must have binged on Ass(ets) last night 


I did! It's so good, by the way! Love it! I was sad when I finished it because there weren't any more chapters posted for me to read, haha.


Thanks so much for voting on my story! It means a lot! ❤️


Thanks that's really sweet! Btw I loveeee your writing challenge! 


@shy_tumblr_girl haha don't worry about it. :) All that matters is that you're happy with it and other people will be, too.