
Hey everyone...I just finished reading the cupboard series, it's amazing, check it out.
          Anyway I just started reading 'power of potters' and....holy fuckaroni I feel like I just got thrown into the deep end of the most in depth and amazing lore ever.
          It's chapter five and Harry's already died once!
          What is this book?
          Holy Merlin it's good.
          I think I'm about to cry.
          It's so good.


Guys, me and my dad were talking about how absolutely vile umbitch is, and he realised something, Umbridge inflicts pain for fun right? And get this SHE LIKES CATS! CATS INFLICT PAIN FOR FUN TOO!!! SHE'S A CAT! OMG!!!


@idkwhatimdoinghere79 my apologies, but it's still a good piece of lore tho.


Dont put cats on her level, they are smarter, better looking and actually lovable 


Hey guys! I have come to tell you that, NeeDohs fuckin work man! They work. The ending of the fifth  'cupboard series' book has me in a STATE! AH anyway, I'm squeezing the life out of this ball of plastic and rubber and whatever else they put in these, HOLY HELGA! It has not even started to break! Like so many other stress balls have broken with the slightest squeeze! But this! It's doing fine! Anyway just had to say that also, READ THE CUPBOARD SERIES!!!! YOU CAN FIND IT ON MY READING LIST!!!!!!


Play 'the Hogwarts escape'!!!! It's a free browser game and it's a Harry Potter themed escape room!!! It's got so many puzzles and stuff!!! I was really good at Olivanders wand rebus. Anyway, basically you have to go to Diagon Alley and get your school supplies then you board the Hogwarts Express and ah! It's just too cool!!!


@wolfstar_is_canon do tell me if you ever find a 2nd level


Sup guys? Five more chapters until 'the tale of three snakes, a dark trio story.' is published!!! The anticipation is building!


@Neverland_dream4 that's the point! It's anticipation, it ensures that when I do publish it I'll have readers to read it.


@ wolfstar_is_canon you can't just say that, now I'm even more curious!!


@Neverland_dream4 let me tell you, I think they might be my best chapters yet!


Sup? So this some was made for children to sing as they skipped and I think it's amazing.
          "I have a deadly nightshade,
          So twisted does it grow.
          With bulbs as black as midnight and skulls as white as snow.
          The Vickers cocky young son came to drink my tea,
          He touched we without asking, 
          Now he's buried 'neath a tree."


@wolfstar_is_canon I will sing this to my ( who are probs never gonna exist ) future children to sleep *insert maniac grin*