
Alright, this is my first time sitting on this account in months, it's safe to say. On the 3rd of this month, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! I am IMMENSELY sorry for disappearing and not updating anything, much less writing in general, but I'm sure you'll all understand that I was just incredibly busy with my life offline. I will continue to be busy, but I do hope to start getting back into my writing life whenever I can and between my busy moments. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you all for your support. <3


Alright, this is my first time sitting on this account in months, it's safe to say. On the 3rd of this month, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! I am IMMENSELY sorry for disappearing and not updating anything, much less writing in general, but I'm sure you'll all understand that I was just incredibly busy with my life offline. I will continue to be busy, but I do hope to start getting back into my writing life whenever I can and between my busy moments. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! Thank you all for your support. <3


Fellow readers and writers! I have to say that it's my first time on this account in too long, I'm afraid, which left me with nearly a thousand notifications that I will most likely not be going through, so I'm sorry! If you have any questions or comments, however, feel free to reach out to me personally on this page or through my messages! So much has happened in the past year, which is the reasoning behind my lack of updates and such; so, again, I'm truly sorry! But, I do not regret paying my life outside of writing so much attention. As always, I love you all so much! And thank you for your patience. <3


@remusmoonyhoe Hello! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you; my life has been terribly hectic, especially as of late. I do plan on continuing! I just haven't gotten around to it. I wanna say that I hope to start updating again soon, but I don't want to make any promises... However! Things should start settling down this July, so if I don't update any sooner then I'll be picking up around then, because I'll mostly be at home looking for things to do whenever I'm not taking care of anything vital. :)


Hii ! I was about to started your potc books but is the 2nd one discontinued ? Bc I don’t really want to read, get attached to the characters and never get the end


How far do you think you’ll take your POTC series because I love it! And would rally love to see it go all the way to the fifth <33




Can’t wait to read when you do update! And of course take your time, your real life and work comes first! <33 


@gallavichtapes I'm actually hoping to continue the whole series! I'm just always incredibly busy irl, especially with work, so I find it hard to push myself to focus on writing most of the time, and I push myself to focus more on my original works when I can... But, I do feel a massive need to continue POTC, so it'll definitely pushed to the fifth movie, and if I feel the motivation then maybe even further!! <3


My inability to just will myself to write when I want to is ludicrous. I'm so terribly sorry about the delay on updates! I truly do wish to continue updating my fics; I just get so impeccably distracted with my work life and whatnot. Thank you all so very much for sticking it through with me! I'm determined to continue my stories no matter how long it takes me, and no matter how hard I need to push my motivation upon the matter. Loves! xo


@boldcoffee it’s no problem at all! <3 <3


@Aliyagaming Thank you so much, hon!


Aww, no worries. Just take care of yourself. The inspiration will come to you naturally. I understand that it may take some time, but that is perfectly okay. Just don’t work too hard, relax<3