
Hey readers, I know its been a while but I promise I haven't dropped or discontinued the fanfic, I've just been really busy. 
          	On that note, I've also decided to rewrite the whole story since I'm finishing up the final outline of the ending. Some stuff will change for plot purposes.
          	For more info, check out the ‘update’ chapter on the fanfic. I hope everyone will continue reading.
          	That's all, hope everyone is doing good.


Hey readers, I know its been a while but I promise I haven't dropped or discontinued the fanfic, I've just been really busy. 
          On that note, I've also decided to rewrite the whole story since I'm finishing up the final outline of the ending. Some stuff will change for plot purposes.
          For more info, check out the ‘update’ chapter on the fanfic. I hope everyone will continue reading.
          That's all, hope everyone is doing good.


 I’m currently working on new chapters to publish soon but trigger warning…there kinda dark theme. Also kinda curious, who do you think Miya will end up with?


I think she might end up with Ruda


@winter_moon26 all of them with different ending❤️


@ winter_moon26  