
unsure which book i want to begin working on after ‘I see red’ is complete… it’s between the sequel ‘raise a little hell’ or a new book entirely… one i’ve mentioned before where my oc ends up falling from our universe into the supernatural one 


Hi. Hope you're having a good day or afternoon or evening and staying safe. I just wanted to ask if you can read the disclaimer for my Blake Gallo fanfiction please? I just wanted to see if it's okay and it's not offensive or anything like that. Cause I really don't mean that. Thank you so much. ❤️❤️❤️


unsure which book i want to begin working on after ‘I see red’ is complete… it’s between the sequel ‘raise a little hell’ or a new book entirely… one i’ve mentioned before where my oc ends up falling from our universe into the supernatural one 


the way my most popular book is the one i’m least inclined to go back to/rewrite… idk why bc i had so much fun writing it the first time around, but by the looks of it Lucky Charm will never be getting its rewrite or it’s proper ending… which is sad, and don’t worry i’m mad at myself but i just can’t help it 


currently collecting quotes for my self-insert crowley fic as i want my OC to be quite witty with her comebacks/general insults so please… drop your favourite quotes/memes/insults, whatever i could use to make my OC funny as i struggle so hard to do it bc i’m literally so unfunny 


@winchesterszvonecek hello! I know this is not what you asked for but I saw it in psych yesterday and it made me laugh. " poker? I barely know her." I'm sure whatever you write will be funny and awesome. Can't wait to read it!! (No pressure) :)


@N3r223 i have a few planned for ‘raise a little hell’ but half of the time i can’t think of any :’) so if you have any, i’m all ears! 


Gotta get those Bobs Burgers quotes in again I love trying to find them when reading 


in regards with my last post, i think i’m going to go with Sabrina as i just really like that name atm, but i may use Calliope for something else! sabrina for my self insert crowley fic which i have been thinking about a lot lately / writing down some ideas i can’t get out of my head, i haven’t started writing it properly yet but i’m hoping to soon! i just have no idea how i’m going to handle the angel part of the situation as there’s a lot going on in s9 of supernatural so you know… requires a lot of thinking 


thinking about names for my OC for my new crowley fic… do we like Calliope (Callie) or Sabrina (would possibly go by Rina or Sab) 


Oh Sabrina I think Dean would have so many nicknames for her 


I love Calliope, it's such a cute name 


do any other writers out there think that their writing gets worse as time goes on or is it just me? i can’t shake the feeling that my chapters get worse the more i post and it’s making it incredibly hard for me to want to keep writing 


@winchesterszvonecek like I don't feel like updating anymore all of a sudden


@winchesterszvonecek fr, I feel so conflicted about publishing or not