
☕️ ☕️ ☕️  Trigger warning: COFFEE! ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ 
          	How much coffee do you drink and how do you drink it? Do you have a favorite coffee shop or do you prefer to make your own at home?
          	If you don't drink coffee, what's your preferred drink?
          	My favorite coffee drink is a morning flat white, made on my own coffee machine that I've tinkered with.
          	For those familiar with my book  "Astrid," if you've read it, can you imagine Piper after a cup of strong coffee?


@Pefc46 Spearmint with chia? Sounds amazing. I had a quick google and it seems that I can't get this stuff downunder (we just have spearmint, no chia).


@wilwinterswrites with honey, but one of my favourites is Hierba buena con chia, I don't know the translation.