
Hello lovelies! Just stopped to tell you that I am semi back from the dead and the newest chapter of our complicated love has been posted! (thank god) Anyways what's everyone doing for memorial day? I would love to hear your guys plans!
          	-Lily out! ;)


Hello lovelies! Just stopped to tell you that I am semi back from the dead and the newest chapter of our complicated love has been posted! (thank god) Anyways what's everyone doing for memorial day? I would love to hear your guys plans!
          -Lily out! ;)


Hello lovelies!! just stop by to tell you that the next chapter of Our Complicated Love is about 60% done and with my 2 new followers that just joined our little family it kind of gave me inspiration to finish it. yay! so expect it sometime tomorrow or the next day. Love you guys!
          -Lily out ;)