
My gosh guys!! The ONC starts TOMORROW!!! I’m so nervous and excited! Can’t wait to read my competitors’ stories. It’s a long shot, but I really hope to make it to the Honorable Mentions list at least  I hope everyone’s doing great staying safe and keeping their distance!
          Stay gold peeps!
          Lexa <3


Hi everyone!
          I hope you're having a good start to this new year aside from the pandemic. I will be posting TOAN chapter 16 soon and (hopefully) have more on TF as well! If you have not yet read the latest chapters, please, go ahead and read them now :)
          Be safe, everyone!
          Stay gold,
          Lexa <3


          It's been sooo long since I ever updated a new chapter of my two current books, but here it is! Two updates that is XD. Both Truth of a Nightmare Chapter 15 and Titan Forging Chapter 9 is now up! Don't be afraid to check them out!
          Enjoy and stay gold!
          Lexa <3


@wikiFAYZ Hi and don't worry! Take your time I understand! Thank you for telling me!